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1976  年出生於台灣宜蘭縣
2001  倫敦藝術學院藝術碩士
MA Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art& Design, The London Institute
1999  國立台灣藝術學院美術系藝術學士


2011  遊戲迷宮──郭慧禪個展,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2008  郭慧禪2008年個展──光線寫作,也趣畫廊,台北
2007  郭慧禪2007年個展──繪畫,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2005  擬態–郭慧禪作品展,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2003  郭慧禪影像創作展,竹師藝術空間,國立新竹教育大學,新竹
2003 《自畫像》─影像個展,生圖美學空間,台北


2011  百家照性別,淡水漁人碼頭藝文空間,滬水一方,台北
2011 《思想起:台灣攝影的社會敘事》,2011中國‧麗水國際攝影文化節,浙江,中國
2011  台北人情WAY創意街區聯合展 ,隱山丘天母街區,台北
2011 《民生主義民民好所在》創意街區展,土理土器,台北
2011  新加坡藝術博覽會,Marina Bay Sands Exhibition and Convention Center,新加坡
2011  時態練習,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2010  台灣數位藝術脈流計畫­­-脈波壹《身體•性別•科技》數位藝術展,台北數位藝術中心,台北
2010  擁擠的樂園,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2010 《笑CC ‧ 遊街區》,UrbanCore Café & Bookshelf,台北
2010 《和諧的世界》的美麗與哀愁,2010第二屆大理國際影會,雲南,中國
2010  美的再濫用,視盟藝文空間,台北
2010  新樂園‧VT‧新浜南北串連展之新樂園年度推薦新人王,黃長壽個展I、II,非常廟藝文空間、新浜碼頭藝術空間,台北、高雄
2009  台北攝影與數位影像藝術博覽會,六福皇宮大飯店,台北
2009 《有影嘸? 2009台灣攝影BAZAAR》,信義公民會館,台北
2009  大阪藝術博覽會,大阪,日本
2009  ARTO釜山藝術博覽會,釜山,韓國
2009 《情慾世界裡的真實!?》 ,台灣國際視覺藝術中心,台北
2009  台北國際當代藝術博覽會,王朝大酒店,台北
2009  雙凝─台灣女性藝術的鏡觀視角,國立台灣美術館,台中
2009 《月光光 心慌慌-非常廟三週年之關鍵報告》,非常廟藝文空間,台北
2009 《不只是氣味》,元智大學藝術中心,元智大學,桃園
2008 何以自處─一個自我及其處境的展覽,靜宜大學藝術中心,靜宜大學,台中
2008 《超作品》,高苑藝文中心,高苑科技大學,高雄
2008 《色相環》羅惠瑜 劉芸怡 郭慧禪 林芳宇 林宜賢 李佳祐的攝影敘事,非常廟藝文空間,台北
2008 《零光片羽》,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2008  小甜心─伊通公園二十週年慶,伊通公園,台北
2008  2008遊戲競技場,香港藝術公社,九龍,香港
2008  新樂園十週年展《永恆的成人遊戲工廠》,關渡美術館,台北
2008 《Fu‧感覺—新世代女性創作者》,大象藝術空間,台中
2008 《華西街》,台北文化中心,紐約,美國
2007 《DiVA Paris》數位及錄像藝術博覽會,巴黎,法國
2007 《台灣藝術的幽默和詼諧》,天理畫廊,紐約,美國
2007 《迷離島—台灣當代藝術視象展》,華盛頓藝術科學館,南達科他州,美國、當代亞洲藝術國際中心,溫哥華,加拿大、印第拿坡里大學藝術中心,印第安納州,美國、哥倫布州立大學藝廊,喬治亞州、國立台灣美術館,台中
2007 《第一屆性與藝術國際學術研討會》,樹德科技大學,高雄
2006 《煉丹:亂雨‧出神‧雜音》,CO6台灣前衛文件展,台灣建築‧設計與建築展演中心,台中
2006 《無以名狀》另類空間之台灣新藝與新樂園交流展,台灣新藝,台南
2006 《請加入連結》新樂園藝術空間第七期成員聯展,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2006 《金星的彼方》台灣女性攝影家三人展,守護神花園藝廊,東京,日本
2005 《新台灣人-數位影像的證言》特展,關渡美術館,台北
2005 《流形感冒》另類空間之南新浜北樂園交流展,新浜碼頭藝術空間,高雄
2005 《凝視的詩意─台灣當代攝影與繪畫的多重現實景觀》,巴文中心,巴黎,法國、渥太華市政府美術館,渥太華,加拿大、高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣
2004 《擬像時代─當代攝影展》,索卡藝術中心,北京,中國
2004 《無原因的事件》,南海藝廊,台北
2004 《2004藝術家博覽會》,華山藝文特區,台北
2004 《出神入畫》華人攝影新視野,台北當代藝術館,台北
2003 《魅影世代-第二屆新樂園 Emerge 新秀展》,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2003 《自體延展》女性六人展,嘉義鐵道藝術村,嘉義
2003   2003台北美術獎,台北市立美術館,台北
2003 《2003藝術家博覽會》,華山藝文特區,台北
2002 《幻影天堂─台灣當代攝影新潮流》,大趨勢藝術空間,台北
2002 《非核家園》數位展示,國立台灣科學教育館,台北
2001   Degree Show of MA Chelsea, Chelsea College of Art& Design, London, UK.
2001   Jamtart Photo Show, The Collection, London, UK.
1999  NTCA校友聯展,宜蘭縣立文化中心
1998 《色彩與人生》聯展,中正藝廊,國立台灣藝術教育館
1997  焦點畫室聯展,宜蘭縣立文化中心




2008  郭慧禪2008年個展──光線寫作,台北市文化局97(第二期) 展覽補助,台北
2007  郭慧禪2007年個展──繪畫,財團法人國家文化藝術基金會96(第一期)展覽補助,台北
2003  溫室─黃芳琪‧李昀珊‧葉怡利創作展,財團法人國家文化藝術基金會92(第二期)展覽補助,台北


2003  台北美術獎優選,台北市立美術館,台北
1998  師生美展版畫類第三名,國立台灣藝術學院,台北


2004 《打開心胸鐵鎚功》──新樂園第六期成員展,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2004 《無原因的事件》,國北師南海藝廊,台北
2003 《溫室─黃芳琪‧李昀珊‧葉怡利創作展》,嘉義鐵道藝術村,嘉義


2.自體繁衍的數位伊甸園─郭慧禪,文/姚瑞中,Play Boy,七月號2003。
3.台灣當代美術大系─議題篇  陰性‧酷語,觀視台灣新生代的陰性色彩,文/謝鴻均,藝術家出版社,2003/12,p132-p138。
4.台灣當代美術大系─議題篇  欲望‧禁忌,觀視台灣新生代的陰性色彩,文/胡永芬,藝術家出版社,2003/12,p32-p34。
5.作為放射的菱鏡--評《魅影世代-第二屆新樂園Emerge新秀展》,文/張晴文,新樂園電子報 No.8 --- 2003/12 http://www.etat.com/slyart/newsletter/2003/08news1227.htm#2,p2。
6.Libi_doc Journeys In The Performance of Sex Art, Katrien Jacobs, Maska Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2005/10, p169-p174.
7.World Beat, What’s going on around the globe, Taipei, Nana Chen,The Review Sunday Morning Post , Hong Kong,  2006/04/23.
10.方塊人的煉金之旅,文/鄭文琦,2007/08。 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/niki_kuo2006/
12.非關真相,九0 年代至今華人觀念攝影,編/樊婉真,文/吳嘉瑄,典藏藝術家庭,2008/7月,p130-p131.。
14. Cyborgs and Pleasure: An exploration of art Works by Liu Shih-Fen, Lin Tsai-Shuan and Kuo Hui-Chan, Ming Turner, n. paradoxa, Volume 25, KT press, London, U.K., 2010/01, p61.

Curriculum Vitae / Hui-Chan Kuo

1976   Born in I-Lan, Taiwan
2001   MA Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art& Design, The London Institute
1999   Bachelor of Fine arts, National Taiwan College of Arts

Solo Exhibitions

2011   Puzzle Games-- Hui-Chan Kuo Solo Exhibition, SLY Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2008   Drawing with Light -- Hui-Chan Kuo Solo Exhibition 2008, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2007   Painting-Hui-Chan Kuo Solo Exhibition 2007, SLY Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2005   Mimicry--Hui-Chan Kuo Solo Exhibition, SLY Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2003   Hui-Chan Kuo Solo Exhibition, NHCTC Artist Space, National Hsinchu University of Education, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
2003   Self-portrait Photo Exhibition, Life Science Library, Taipei, Taiwan

Group Exhibitions

2012   Body Perception and Environment—Contemporary Photography Exhibition,
Treasure Hill Artist Village, Farmland Strength Farmland Studio, Taipeii, Taiwan
2012   Find Green Light, New Media Art In Park Lane by Splendor, Taichung, Taiwan
2011   100 Gender Photographs, Danshuei Fishermen’s Wharf Art Space, Plaza Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan
2011   Remembering as a social narrative in Taiwanese photography, China. Lishui International Photography Cultural Festival, Zhejiang, China
2011   Art Stage Singapore, Marina Bay Sands Exhibition and Convention Center, Singapore
2011   Tenses Practices, SLY Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2010   Taiwan Digital Art Pulse Stream Plan- The First Phase; “Body, Gender, Technology”
Digital Art Exhibition, Digital Art Center, Taipei
2010   Crowded Paradise, SLY Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2010   Culture x Creativity, UrbanCore Café & Bookshelf,Taipei, Taiwan
2010   The 2010 2nd Dali International Photography Exhibition, Yunnan, China
2010   The re-abuse of beauty:Halfway House, Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan
2010   SLY‧VT and S.P.P. Exchange Exhibition, The Best of Emerging Artists: Solo Exhibition of Chang-Soh Huang I, II, VT ARTSALON, Sin Pin Pier Absolutely Art Space, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2009   Photo Taipei 2009, The Westin Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2009  “Is It Real ? 2009 TAIWAN PHOTO BAZAAR”,Xin-Yi Public Assembly Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
2009   Art OSAKA, OSAKA, Japan
2009   ARTO Art Fair Busan, Busan, Korea
2009   Reality of Lust!? Taiwan International Visual Arts Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2009   YOUNG ART TAIPEI,Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2009   Duel Regard – The Views from Taiwanese Women's Arts, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2009   Unsealed Files: The 3rd Anniversary of VT Artsalon, VT Artsalon, Taipei, Taiwan
2009   More than Scents, Yuan Ze Art Center, Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2008   Being in the World--an exhibition for self and situations, Providence Art Center, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan
2008   Hyper-works, KAO YUAN ART CENTER, KAO YUAN University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2008   Color Circle--Hui-Yu Lo, Yun-Yi Liu, Hui-Chan Kuo, Fang-Yu Lin, Yi-Xian Lin, Chia-Yu Lee’s Photographic Narrative, VT ARTSALON, Taipei, Taiwan
2008   Streams, SLY Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2008   SWEETIES--Celebrating 20 Years of IT Park, IT Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2008   Play Stadium in 2008, Artist Commune, Kowloon, Hong Kong
2008   The Shin Leh Yuan Art Space 10th Anniversary Exhibition--Eternal Adventureland, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2008   Fu – New Generation Female Artists in Taiwan, Da Xiang Art Space, Taichung, Taiwan
2008   「 Snake Alley」,Taipei Cultural Center , New York, USA.
2007   Digital & Video Art Fair Paris 2007,Paris, France
2007   Frolic: Humor and Mis-chief in New Taiwanese Art, Tenri Cultural Institute Gallery, New York, New York, USA.
2007   TAIWAN: From within The Mist, Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science, South Dakota, USA. Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, Canada;
the University of Indianapolis- Christel Dehaan Fine Arts Center and Ransbury Gallery in the State of Indiana, USA; the Illges Gallery of Columbus State University in the State of Georgia, USA ; the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Taichung, Taiwan.
2007   The 1st International Congress of Sex & Art, Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2006   To Smelt--Disorder, Abstraction, Noise, Co6 Taiwanese Avant-Garde Document, Taiwan Art.Design and Architecture Center, Taichung, Taiwan
2006   Obscure--An Exchange Exhibition between Taiwan New Arts Union and Shin Leh Yuan Art Space, Taiwan New Arts Union, Tainan, Taiwan
2006   Add to My Favorite -- The 7nd Member’s Exhibition of SLY Art, SLY Art Space,
Taipei, Taiwan
2006   Toward The World of Venus--Exhibition of 3 Women Photo Artists From Taiwan, Guardian Garden, Tokyo, Japan
2005   The New Taiwanese--digital Witnesses, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2005   Flu -- SLY and SP Exchange Exhibition, Sin Pin Pier Absolutely Art Space, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2005   Eye Dream: Multiple Realities in Contemporary Photography and Paintings from Taiwan,
Taiwan Cultural Centre Paris, Paris, France; City Hall Art Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2004   Simulation-- Young Images, Soka Art Centre, Beijing, China
2004   Causeless Incident, South Sea Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2004   2004 Art Fair, Huashan Art District, Taipei, Taiwan
2004   Spellbound Aura-The New Vision of Chinese Photography, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2003   Young Images -- The 2nd SLY Art "Emerge! New Artists" Exhibition, SLY Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2003   Extension of the Body, Art Site of Chia-Yi Railway Warehouse, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
2003   2003 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2003   2003 Art Fair, Huashan Art District, Taipei, Taiwan
2002   The Realm of Illusion: The New Wave of Taiwan Photography, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2002   No-Nuke, National Taiwan Science Education Centre, Taipei, Taiwan
2001   Degree Show of MA Chelsea, Chelsea College of Art& Design, London, UK.
2001   Jamtart Photo Show, The Collection, London, UK.
1999   Group Exhibition by NTCA Schoolmates, I-Lan Culture Centre, I- Lan, Taiwan
1998   Colour & Life Exhibition, Chiang Kai-Chek Gallery, National Taiwan Arts Education Institute, Taipei, Taiwan

Work Experience

2009-     Part-time Lecturer, Department of communication, Fo Guang University
2005-2006 Part-time Lecturer, Department of Applied Arts & Design, Toko University
2002-2003  Assistant, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


2008   Drawing with Light -- Hui-Chan Kuo Solo Exhibition 2008, 2008 (2nd) Exhibition Fund, Department of Cultural Affairs Taipei City Government, Taipei, Taiwan
2007   Painting-Hui-Chan Kuo Solo Exhibition 2007, 2007 (1st) Exhibition Fund, National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan
2003   Green House Exhibition Sponsored by NCAF, 2003 (2nd) Exhibition Fund, National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan

2003   2003 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Honorable Mention, Taipei, Taiwan
1998   The Annual Professor and Student Exhibition , National Taiwan College of Arts ,Third prize for Print, Taipei, Taiwan

Curated Exhibitions

2004   Open Your Mind -- Hammer Kung, The 6th Group Exhibition of SLY ART, SLY Art Space,
Taipei, Taiwan
2004   Causeless Incident, South Sea Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2003   Green House--Group Exhibition of Fang-Chi Huang, Yun-Shan Lee, Yi-Li Yeh, Art Site of Chia-Yi Railway Warehouse, Chia-Yi, Taiwan