Spot II 光點II

Arctura, Dobroide, Glaneur de sons, HardPCM , Tigersound
Hui-Chan Kuo, Spot II, Interactive Installation, Dimension Variable, 2012. Programer: Chia-Hsiang Lee.
以行道樹與森林意象呈現的互動投影,綠意盎然的步道和幻想的結合,進入空間後猶如在城市森林看見螢火蟲的光點,輕鬆漫步於錯置的場域中,體驗室內的森林空間。發現位處於城市中的光點,享受遠離都市塵囂的寧靜,回憶童年與旅遊中的自然景緻,走進夜晚陌生的空間、些微恐懼夾雜好奇情緒,帶有未知的神祕與想像,如同夢境中黑暗而無聲的森林、彷彿將要迷失在其間,靠近後顯現輕盈散落的點點螢光、若有似無的跟隨,如同呼吸般起伏。 無意間發現的光點森林,將繁忙卸盡後的怡然自得,隨著微風擺動,散落的綠葉迎接訪客的到來,變換微妙的組合,回溯記憶片段中生命美好的光點,在人工自然的畫面中感受現實與虛幻空間,延伸想像與環境的互動連結。
This interactive projection is made up of a representation of the artificial fantasy trees and a forest. The combination of lush green walkway and fantasy scene means that once visitors enter the space they find themselves in an urban jungle looking at fireflies, strolling in a displaced scene and enjoying an indoor forest. Discovering points of light in the city, enjoying solitude far from the clamor of the city, remembering scenes of nature from childhood and past trips, viewers enter the space of an unfamiliar night. The combination of fear and curiosity such scenes engender bring with them a certain mystery and imagination of the unknown, in much the same way as a dark and silent forest encountered in a dream. It is almost as if one is on the verge of getting lost, but scattered flecks of light appear, following, rising and falling, like the motion of breathing. In this accidentally discovered forest of lights, the scattered leaves blown by a breeze welcome customers after a hard day at work. They create an exquisite combination that can be traced back to beautiful moments in life, as viewers experience the real and imaginary space in a picture of man-made nature, extending the interactive connection between imagination and the environment.