Artificial Phototropism 人造向光

Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang, Artificial Phototropism, Interactive Installation, 75cm*75cm*120cm, 2012。
光線會誘導植物的生長點和葉柄分泌生長素,流向照光組織的背光面,造成植物的向光性特質。隨著光源回應以微小形態變化的過程,更展現了一種探究光明、追求生命的美好景緻。「人造向光」作品希望藉由植物向光性機制的概念,重新開啓在日趨高科技的智慧生活中,可能逐漸喪失的感性溫度。「人造向光」讓參與者體驗一種具生物邏輯 (biologic) 的互動情覺:藉由與光影流動的對話,開啓一株鬚狀機動物件的生長行為,重構環境氣氛與互動裝置之間的美好情境。
Light induces growing points in plants and the secretion of growth hormones by leafstalks, which flow behind the tissue in the light creating the phototropic nature of plants. As the light source responds with a process of micro-structural changes, it showcases a stunning scene of light exploration and the pursuit of life. Artificial Phototropism allows those who participate to experience first-hand biologic interaction. It is through this dialogue of flowing light and shade that the growth of a beard-like mechanical component is initiated, reconstructing a scenario of beauty between the environmental atmosphere and interactive installation.