國立台北科技大學 互動媒體設計研究所
Interactive Media Design Institute, National Taipei University of Technology
李京玲Ching-Ling Lee
張秀如 Hsiu-Ju Chang
廖若廷Rou-Ting Liao
李婉新 Wan-Shin Lee
沈蔚諭Wei-Yu San
陳嘉妮Chia-Ni Chen
陳建名Chien-Ming Chen
蔡佩珊Pei-Shan Tsai
互動裝置 Interactive installation
「萬物靜觀皆自得,四時佳興與人同」,人們對於自然界一景一物的細微觀察,皆可紀錄並分享生活中的點滴感懷 。 「花影」是黃光男校長2004年的創作,我們以此畫作做為創作素材,期望透過新媒體藝術的重新演繹,展現自然景物中微風吹拂,朵朵花兒隨風搖曳的景象,傳達給觀者身歷其境的賞畫經驗。欣賞畫作時,觀者對實體花朵吹氣的動作可使畫作花朵盛開舞動,隨著吹氣時數越長,花朵將會全數盛開,直至畫作完整呈現。
Contemplate the nature has its own pleasure, the delight are with all men who enjoy four seasons. Observation of nature in details can be recorded and shared in life.
Based on the work entitled “Flower Shadow” (2004) by President Huang, we intended to employ different approach to give a new interpretation of the original piece. Instead of a still painting, the audience will find themselves feeling the breezing and watching flowers blooming before their eyes. By blowing air to tangible flowers before the work, flowers will be displayed on the screen as long as the air continues to flow till flowers in full bloom.