2010/ 04 / 23 ~ 5 / 23
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曹筱玥 國立台北科技大學互動媒體設計研究所專任助理教授 
黃心健 故事巢藝術總監、台灣師範大學設計研究所兼任副教授

Ink painting art and poetry calligraphy are both of long history Chinese tradition.  However, the development and transformation of art require drive; and technology to a turn provides a new aspect for art creation.  The creation and exhibition were inspired by the works of artist Kuang-Nan Huang (currently President of the National Taiwan University of Arts).

This exhibition is composed of two main themes: 1. contemporary ink painting and literature; 2. digital ink painting and video imagery.  With the contributions of National Taiwan Normal University, National Taipei University of Technology and National Taiwan University of Arts, innovation of ink imagery art and a feast of art creation for the audience were made possible.  Moreover, ink painting art chimes with technology expertise into a harmonious exhibition of tradition and innovation.

In recent year, the government has put much emphasis on the cultural creative industry.  Aesthetics and art education, as well as culture values gradually gained much attention.  The era of culture economy, aesthetic economy and empowerment of aesthetics brings new opportunity.  With the culture heritage, Taiwan has advantages in creating artistic and musical atmosphere like that of Prague form the cultural point of view.  In retrospect, ink painting can be considered the essence of Chinese art.  It is indispensable that more efforts be put into culture creative industry.  It is our hope to introduce to the public, through this exhibition and related activities, the new aspect of art by wedding ink painting with technology.

The ink painting and calligraphy of President Kuang-Nan Huang both are full of imagination and depth.  Technology products not only can meet the material needs of modern people, it also can enrich our lives when applied in artistic creation.  The characteristics of oriental spirit and charm in the form of digital images bring in new life to technology industry.  The Digital Art Center Taipei presents this time, an artistic dialogue between traditional arts with modern technology.  By hosting this exhibition, Taipei city demonstrate its determination in leading the creation of artistic creation media.



Tsau Saiau-Yue
Assistant Professor of Graduate Institute of Interactive Media Design, National Taipei University of Technology

Huang Chin-Chien
Art Director of Storynest
 Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Design, National Taiwan Normal University 


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