





數位藝術家,策展人。國立交通大學應用藝術研究所博士,世新大學公共關係暨廣告學系副教授,研究方向為數位互動藝術創作與新媒體理論。1998年開始從事數位藝術創作,思考數位時代中「人」的存在狀態,多次舉辦個展與受邀參展於國內外重要美術館、藝術中心與畫廊。2002年台北市立美術館《Let’s Make ART》個展,是台灣第一個於美術館所進行網路及時互動創作。文章發表於國內外期刊與國際性研討會,如Leonardo國際期刊、ACM Multimedia、國際電子藝術研討會(ISEA)等。2012參與Leonardo國際期刊之國際數位藝術白皮書撰寫計畫。2013年受邀至北京航空航天大學北航藝術館舉辦個展,是該校2013 年度聘請短期境外專家重點專案。



Yu-Chuan Tseng

Associate Professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Shih Hsin University

Supervisor, Taipei Digital Art Foundation

Board member of Taiwan Women's Art Association

Board member of Taiwan Information Design, Art, Technology, Education Association

Tseng Yu-chuan obtained her PhD from the Graduate Institute of Applied Art, National Chiao Tung University. She specializes in research on innovation and theory in interactive digital art.

Tseng began creating digital artwork in 1998. Starting from 2002, she adopted an interactive online format to produce interactive art. In 2003, Tseng began to ponder the status of the existence of humans in the digital age. Through a series of works, she explored this digital system – built of technology – which brings together the lifestyle, lives, and existence of the masses. In 2002, Tseng’s work was presented in a solo exhibition (“Let’s Make Art”) at the Taipei Museum of Fine Arts. This was the first ever art gallery exhibition in Taiwan to employ instantaneous Web-based interaction. Tseng’s respective works and articles were selected for presentation at the ACM Multimedia International Symposium, ISEA, . Leonardo. In 2012, Tseng participated in the Leonardo Digital Art Initiative. In2013, Tseng held a solo exhibition as a short-term project for foreign experts hosted by the Institute of Culture and Art Communications, Beihang University
