




人生真的很奇妙,現在想起來真的覺得不可思議,如果當時沒有去某個地方?如果當時沒遇到某個人?如果當時做了不一樣的決定?如果當時沒有那樣的話,現在也許就不會這樣了吧。想想真的是很奧妙喔,感謝老天如此地安排!謝謝老天讓我修到張恬君老師的課,謝謝老師覺得我很有潛力、謝謝老師陪我聊天並給我鼓勵。謝謝老天讓我遇到我的論文指導教授,沒有教授的幫忙,我不會提早兩個月通過論文口試畢業。謝謝老天讓我選修到黃心健老師及張耘之老師的課程,因為這個課程,我開始了我第一個數位藝術作品,並參加了期末聯展。謝謝老天讓我知道Telematics藝術家Paul Sermon在台北藝術村駐村的消息,跟Paul Sermon相談甚歡後就到他的學校念書,進而學習更多科技藝術的概念。謝謝老天讓我在微型樂園工作,工作期間學習了很多,更感謝微型樂園在「透明的時間感」展覽中,讓我展出我回台後的第一件作品「曾經有一棵樹」。謝謝老天讓我參加玩趣工作坊,因而認識了很多數位藝術愛好者,並且我們成為了朋友,直到現在仍然密切地聯繫與合作!要謝的人太多,要謝的事也太多,就讓我謝謝天吧~若我的人生能走到現在這樣的方向的話,都是老天微妙的安排,給予我人生路途上的許多機會。



ritten by Sheng-Po Shen (2009, 2010)

Hello everyone, I am Sheng-Po Shen, born in 1980, and raised in a middle class family with very supportive parents and a younger brother. My family is engaged in manufacture of tools and metal components. Despise of the society encouraging any of engineering background students pursuing high salary careers, my parents gave us lots of liberty to choose what really interest me and my brother. So now I am a Digital Artist and my brother turned to be a band guitar and street artist, and assistant of a record producer. My parents never forced me to choose other job of high salaries, which usually require me to sacrifice my passion and let just encourage me to pursue what my heart really goes for. So I really appreciate my parents’ support. If I ever made a tiny contribution, that will owe to my parents’ wisdom and generous love. My family renders me love and support so that I can be brave and dare to dream.

I always consider myself a lucky person. I met nice people, teachers, classmates, and friends. They are very nice to me and willing to bear my stubborn personality. I do thank God that arranges me to know these people. They unselfishly share their knowledge, their helps, and spent their time to know me, and sometime willing to share their point of views and help me to improve myself. If I ever make anything exciting and touching, these owe to my friends because they inspire me and let me know the kindness of sharing. 
Life is mysterious; you never know how the decision you made in sometime influence another incident. Thanks God make arrangement that I have took the course of Professor Tien-Chun Chang, and she encouraged me to pursue the career in Digital Art, and my advisor professor helped me graduation earlier, and have me meet Professor Hsin-Chien Huang and Professor Monbaza Chang, and I have the chance to start my first art work of digital art.

It was really wonderful that I met Paul Sermon who at that time was engaged in 
Residency Art Program of Taipei City. I had an exciting talk with him and decided to study abroad to his school for digital art. After graduation, I got a job offer from Microplayground Company. In this job, I had more practice experience, and developed my first work - There was a tree (Digital Archive Program Festival: Transience Is Permanent - The Most Cherished Memories) (@Xinyi Public Assembly Hall, Taipei, Taiwan), (June, 2008). Then I joined Playground Summer camp, and made friends with many digital art workers, and until now, we still keep close interaction and cooperation. These are all opportunities that God arranged. I really thank God.

I think I am really satisfied with what happened in my life! I met a lot of kind people and had good things and stories with them. So I do really hope that I am a nice person in their minds too. I really enjoy doing nice things to people I met...many, many nice things...This is my autobiography and I want to share this feeling! Thank you!