1980年 4月4日 |
出生於台中,父親沈信厚,母親鍾芳美,弟弟沈聖哲 |
1986年 9月 |
進入台中太平國小就讀 |
1992年 6月 |
國小畢業,9月進入台中明道中學就讀 |
1995年 6月 |
以優異成績自明道中學畢業,9月進入台中一中就讀 |
1998年 6月 |
台中一中畢業,考上新竹國立交通大學資訊科學系,大二那年,修習了應用藝術研究所張恬君的人文通識課程〈課名〉。大四時旁聽陳一平老師的〈視知覺〉課程,因修課感受了藝術的力量。 |
2002年 6月 |
交通大學資訊科學系畢業,並於9月進入交通大學資訊科學所碩士班就讀。 |
2003年 |
就讀碩士班期間,於交大藝文中心任工讀生,並積極參與由學生參與的八校聯展。2003年4月"稻草人"八校聯展於新竹沙湖壢藝術村;2004年4月"衣鳴驚人"八校聯展於新竹鐵道藝術村。 |
2004年 |
修習由應用藝術研究所張恬君、黃心建與張耘之共同授課「數位媒體展出規畫研究」課程,完成作品《文武》,6月參展「科技藝術接力展-神兵器」於新竹智邦藝術基金會。 |
2004年 6月 |
交通大學資訊科學所碩士畢業,7月軍中服役。 |
2005年 12月 |
退伍 |
2006年 |
退伍後,經由時任國美館潘台芳引薦,認識來台駐村曾獲得 Prix ArsElectronicaGolden Nica獎的國際知名數位藝術家Paul Sermon啟發與影響, 9月申請進入Paul Sermon所任教的英國索爾福大學藝術與設計學院(School of Art and Design, University of Salford) |
2007年 8月 |
協助王俊琪完成《Urban Journal》,並於法國@CAMAC畫廊、@Cite des arts Paris展出。 |
2007年 |
2007年碩士畢業獲創意科技碩士學位(MA of Creative technology),發表作品《Voice Lost》於Centenary Building, University of Salford, UK,Digital Dimensions – MA Creative Technology and MSc Creative Games: End of Year Show。 |
2007年 11月 |
畢業返台,並進入微型樂園工作。協同規劃製作「奇美愛樂映像影音藝術展」於高雄夢時代廣場 |
2007年 11月 |
協助王俊琪完成《Urban Journal》獲第二屆台北數位藝術節互動裝置組首獎,於台北西門町紅樓劇場展出。 |
2008年 6月 |
發表作品《曾經有一顆樹》於台北市信義公民會館-四四南村「數位典藏藝術節:透明的時間感—生命記憶之典藏」 |
2008年 6月 |
於新竹交通大學「playaround玩趣工作坊 (U19工作坊)」擔任助教。 |
2008年 11月 |
協助黃文浩完成《關於家的一百種可能》參展於台中國立台灣美術館「2008台灣美術雙年展-家」 |
2008年 11月 |
協助英國藝術家團隊UVA完成《LIGHT.SCAPE - 新版.超感光》參與「倫敦UVA數位藝術大展」 |
2008年 12月 |
發表作品《曾經有一顆樹》於台北華山創意文化園區「新媒體文化展, 2008文化與科技國際博覽會」 |
2009年 1月 |
協同規劃製作「數位。蒙娜麗莎」數位聲光展 |
2009年 4月 |
發表作品《曾經有一顆樹》於台中國立台灣美術館數位藝術方舟「衡溫-冷介面中的創作溫感」。 |
2009年 5月 |
發表作品《MISS project》於台北牯嶺街小劇場「2009國際小劇場藝術節【形影相析/(晰)】」 |
2009年 5月 |
於國立台灣美術館數位藝術方舟「互動實作工作坊」擔任講師。 |
2009年 7月 |
於台北數位藝術中心「數位藝術開門 FLOSS+ART工作坊」擔任助教。 |
2009年 8月 |
發表作品《聽,阿嬤的收音機》於台灣新文化運動館籌備處(大同分局3F「月光-慰安婦生命故事影像展」。 |
2009年 8月 |
於台北藝術大學「共自然互動設計工作坊」擔任助教。 |
2009年 10月 |
任台灣科技大學駐校藝術家,至2010年9月 |
2009年 10月 |
於台中靜宜大學「互動設計工作坊」擔任講師。 |
2009年 10月 |
於台北台灣科技大學「來福狗狗互動生活工坊」擔任講師。 |
2009年 11月 |
與李駿於台中國立台灣美術館「聲呼吸 - 實驗聲響2009」演出,發表作品《相位差電音表演No.1》。 |
2009年 11月 |
於國立台灣美術館數位藝術方舟「十大創意十大妙方-數位藝術工作坊」擔任講師 |
2009年 12月 |
發表作品《來看你,卻碰不到你》於景美人權文化園區「景美人權文化園區歷史暨文物史料展示」。 |
2009年 12月 |
發表作品《聽,阿嬤的收音機》與《塵封的回憶》,參展「時光。記憶 - 台灣慰安婦女性人權影像展」於景美人權文化園區。 |
2010年 2月 |
與李駿於台北西門町紅樓「吵年獸二零一零 - 立春音樂藝術季」演出,發表作品《untitled》。 |
2010年 4月 |
與李駿於台中國立台灣美術館「沉浸之境-加拿大SAT中心360度環景數位影像展」演出,發表作品《相位差電音表演No.2》。 |
2010年 5月 |
與李駿於台北Legacy Taipei「Sound Bits 那是一個小小的聲音」演出,發表作品《相位差電音表演No.3》。 |
2010年 5月 |
與李駿於高雄AURA藝文空間「自由無價!數位音像LIVE表演+工作坊」演出,演出作品《相位差電音表演No.2》。 |
2010年 5月 |
首次與曾鈺涓合作於新樂園藝術空間發表《你在哪裡?》,其他合作創作者有黃怡靜與陳威廷。 |
2010年 6月 |
加入新樂園藝術空間,參與第九期成員聯展「啾啾神功-評藝生華-新樂園第九期成員團.練.展」於台北新樂園藝術空間,展出《Should We Play?》《4分04秒》 |
2010年 9月 |
於花蓮國立東華大學「第四屆東華互動藝術工作坊」擔任講師 |
2010年 9月 |
參與王俊傑、王嘉明藝術與科技跨界展演《萬有引力的下午》於廣藝基金會廣藝廳與台北藝術大學舞蹈廳演出。 |
2010年 10月 |
任台灣科技大學駐校藝術家,至2011年9月 |
2010年 11月 |
與曾鈺涓、黃怡靜、陳威廷,以作品《你在哪裡?》入選台北數位藝術節,並於台北剝皮寮歷史街區展出。 |
2010年 12月 |
參展台灣數位藝術脈流計畫-脈波壹「身體‧性別‧科技」數位藝術展。 |
2010年 12 月 |
與曾鈺涓、陳威廷參與「相遇是關懷生命的起點-中華電信公共藝術」,完成戶外網路即時互動公共藝術《快樂噗》,設置於台北市信義路四段74巷4號。 |
2011年 11月20日 |
於台中成立「有為空間」 |
2011年 11月 |
於台中有為空間舉辦個展「第二回合」 |
2011年 11月 |
於台中科技大學「實體投影創作工作坊」擔任講師 |
2011年 12月 |
於台北新樂園藝術空間舉辦個展「第二回合」,展出《Life Graffiti》《Frames》《texts》。 |
2012年 5月 |
《Life Graffiti》《曾經有一棵樹》參展「零山水與幻視野」於台中20號倉庫。 |
2012年 8月 |
《你在哪裡?》(曾鈺涓+沈聖博、黃怡靜、陳威廷)參展「與時空的一場對話」於國立台灣美術館數位藝術方舟。 |
2012年 10月 |
「規則 rules」個展於台中神岡「田中間豬室繪社。 |
2012年 11月 |
作品《pin shadow》入圍台北數位藝術節 |
2012年 11月 |
作品《meta-》參與「潛意識共感視聽觸覺當代藝術展」於台北MEME覓空間 |
2012年 12月 |
連續六週於台北科技大教授Processing,並將所有課程資料公開上網分享 |
2013年 1月 |
「有為先生 X 有為小姐」於有為空間展出,發表作品《texture》《frames》《meta-》 |
2013年 3月 |
《texture》參與「恆常 Sustained- 張雅萍、沈聖博、江珮菁、劉長儒聯展」於台中Baci 87,開幕時與安德海一起演出《untitle》 |
2013年 7月 |
於台北睡不著咖啡「好抖 Good Vibration」發表《playaround》 |
2013年 10月 |
於台北噪咖「失聲祭 #76」發表《摧毀的詩歌》 |
2013年 4月 |
參與李佩玲藝術與科技跨領域表演「義肢-外部連結」進行現場即時影像創作。 |
2013年 6月 |
獲選加拿大SAT科技藝術中心 駐村,因病無法前行 |
2013年 10月 |
受邀於台南大學【Generative Arts工作坊】授課 |
2013年 12月29日 |
與江珮菁於台中完婚 |
2014年 1月 |
受邀參與台北國際藝術村幽竹廳所舉辦之「阿提斯‧托克第一號」(AIR Taipei Artist Talk No.1)藝術家面對面活動 |
2014年 4月13日 |
病逝於台中榮民總醫院 |
2014年 5月 |
作品《Pin Shadow》受邀參展「奇幻視界 - 2014國際科技藝術展」 |
1980.04 |
Born in Taichung on April 4th. |
1986.09 |
Study in Taiping Elementary School in Taichung. |
1992.06 |
Graduation from elementary school and study atMingdao Junior High School Taichung. |
1995.06 |
Graduation from Mingdao Junior High SchoolTaiChung, and study at National Taichung First Senior High School. |
1998.06 |
Graduation from National Taichung First Senior High School, and study at National Chiao Tung University (majoring in Computer Science). In the period, he took courses of Professor Tien-Chun Chang and Professor Yi-Ping Chen, and was inspired to be determined into art field. |
2002.06 |
Graduation from college and continue to study master program of Computer Science of National Chiao Tung University, NCTU. |
2003.04 |
Part time working at NCTU Art Center. Participation of the united art exhibition of eight schools: “Scarecrow” in Shahu, Hsinchu, April 2003 and "Amazing Clothes" in Hsinchu main station art village, April 2004. |
2004.06 |
Took course- “Digital Media Planning Studies” co-hosted by Professor Tien-Chun Chang, Hsin-Chien Huang and Monbaza Chang, and created work- “Text-Weapon”. The work was shown in the group exhibition- "The God's Instruments" at AcctonArttime Art Foundation. |
2004.06 |
Graduation from NCTU master program of Computer Science. He started military service from July. |
2005.12 |
Military service finished |
2006.09 |
Through pulling string from Ms. Dapan (National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts), Shen-Po Shen met Mr. Paul Sermon, a famous digital artist with Electronica Golden Nica Award, and gotdeeply influenced by Paul and decided to study abroad to School of Art and Design, University of Salford where Paul Sermon teaches. |
2007.08 |
Technology Support- “Urban Journal” in the CAMAC, France. August 2007 and Cite des arts Paris, Paris, France. September 2007. A art project by Chun-Chi Wang, supported by CCA, Taiwan. |
2007.09 |
Graduation from master program of Creative technology.The work-“Voice Lost” was shown in the Centenary Building, University of Salford, UK, the exhibition of “Digital Dimensions-MA Creative Technology and MSc Creative Games: End of Year Show”. |
2007.11 |
Backed to Taiwanand joined of MicroPlayGround Company. Collaboration of the project- “Video Art Exhibition by Chimei” in Dream Mall of Kaohsiung. |
2007.11 |
Technology Support-“Urban Journal”: a art project of Chun-Chi Wang. The work won the first prize in Interactive Installation category of the 2nd Digital Art Festival Taipei and was shown in the Red House, Ximen, Taipei, Taiwan |
2008.06 |
Work-“There was a tree” was shown in the “Digital Archive Program Festival: Transience Is Permanent-The Most Cherished Memories” in the Xinyi Public Assembly Hall, Taipei, Taiwan |
2008.06 |
As a tutor in the workshop-“playaround workshop (for U19)” In National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. |
2008.11 |
On Nov., Technology Support – “100 possibilities about Home”: art project by Wen-Hao Huang in the exhibition of “Home series of Taiwan Biennale”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. |
2008.11 |
Technology Support – “UVA in Taipei, LIGHT.SCAPE” on November inTaipei County Plaza, Taiwan. |
2008.12 |
2008.12 |
2009.01 |
Cooperative Work- “Digital-Mona Lisa” was shown in “Digital Art Exhibition”. |
2009.04 |
Work- “There was a tree” was shown in the exhibition “The Balancing Tone -What type of temperature do we need?” in Digiark, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan |
2009.05 |
Work- “MISS project” was presented in the 2009 Guling Little Theatre Arts Festival - with(out) cinema, Guling Little Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2009.05 |
As a tutor in the workshop- “Physical Computing Workshop” in Digiark, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan. |
2009.07 |
As a tutor in the workshop “Floss+ART”inDigital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2009.08 |
Work- “Listen, Ah Ma's radio” was shown in the “Moonlight - exhibition of Comfort Women's life story”, provisional office Taiwan New Culture Movement Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2009.08 |
As a tutor of the workshop- “Resonating with the nature” in Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan |
2009.10 |
As a tutor in the workshop- “Interactive Design” in Providence University. |
2009 |
On Oct., as a tutor of the workshop “Life Go! Go! workshop” of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. |
2009.11 |
Live performance- “Phasing”with Chun Lee in the “Breathing Sounds - Experimental Sound Performance 2009” hosted by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan |
2009.11 |
As a tutor in the workshop- “Top Ten Creative Recipes - Digital Art Workshop” in the Digiark, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan |
2009.12 |
Commissioned work- “To See You, but can't Touch You” was shown in the “Exhibition of the history and data of Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park” in the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park. Taipei, Taiwan. |
2009.12 |
Commissioned Works- “Listen, Ah Ma's radio” and “Dusty memories” in the “Time-Memory, Exhibition of Taiwan Comfort Women in the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park, Taipei, Taiwan |
2010.02 |
Audio-visual performance- “untitled” with Chun Lee in the Chinese Year Music & Art Festival Project 2010, Ximen Red House, Taipei, Taiwan |
2010.04 |
Audio-visual performance- “Phasing No.2” with Chun lee in the 360° cyclorama projection. As part of the exhibition of DreamMersion-Cyclorama Digital Art Creation Series from the Society of Art and Technology(SAT) in the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan |
2010.05 |
Audio-visual performance - “Phasing No.3” with Chun Lee in the “Sound Bits” performance series, Legacy Taipei. |
2010.05 |
Audio-visualperformance- “Phasing No.2” with Chun Leein the “VivalaFreedom!Digital audio-visual LIVE performance+workshop”., Aura Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
2010.05 |
Work- “Where are you?” with Yu-Chuan Tseng, Sheng-Po Shen, Yi-Ching Huang, and Wei-Ting Chen was shown in SLY Art Space, Taipei |
2010.06 |
As the Member of SLY Art space, Works- “4'04”, “Should we play?” “Memory, the fastest way to back to the past.”wereshown in the “Chirp! Chirp!-The 9th Group Exhibition of SLY's Artists”, SLY Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2010.09 |
As a tutor in the workshop –“the 4th Interactive Art workshop” in the National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan |
2010.09 |
2010. Technology Support – “L’Apres-midi de la Gravite” in the Quanta Hall、TNUA Dance Theater, Taiwan. work of Wang, Jun-Jieh and Wang, Chia-ming |
2010.10 |
Artist-in-Residence of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) in the period of Oct. 2010 to Sep., 2011. |
2010.11 |
Work- “Where are you?” with Yu-Chuan Tseng, Yi-Ching Huang, Wei-Ting Chen was shown in the 5th Digital Art Festival Taipei 2010, Bopiliao Historic Block, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2010.12 |
Work-“Where are you?” was shown in the “Taiwan Digital Art Pulse Stream Plan: The First Phase, Body、Gender、TechnologyDigital Art Exhibition”, Digital Art Center Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan |
2010.12 |
Public Art -“Happy Plurk.”With Yu-Chuan Tseng, Wei-Ting Chen in the “An Encounter is the Starting Point to Care – Chunghwa Telecom Public Art Installation”. The work are installed in No.4, Ln. 74, Sec. 4, Xinyi Rd., Taipei, Taiwan. |
2011.11 |
Act!on Space was founded in Taichung on Nov. 20th |
2011.11 |
Solo Exhibition-“Round 2” was held in the act!on space, Taichung, Taiwan. |
2011.11 |
As a tutor in the workshop – “Projection Mapping workshop” in National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.. |
2011.12 |
Solo Exhibition- “Round 2.”was held in SLY Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2012.05 |
Work-“There was a tree”was shown in the exhibition of Digital Mapping of Inner landscape, Artstock20, Taichung. |
2012.08 |
Work-“Where are you?” corporatedwith Yu-Chuan Tseng, Yi-Ching Huang, Wei-Ting Chen) was shown in the exhibition: “A Dialogue with the Space and Time” in the Digiark, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan. |
2010.10 |
Solo Exhibition “Rules” was held in the PigPaintingHouse, Shengang, Taichung, Taiwan. |
2012.11 |
Work-“pin shadow” was nominated and shown in” the 7th Digital Art Festival Taipei 2012”, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan.) |
2012.11 |
Work-“meta-”.was shown in the “Audio-Visual-Tactile Contemporary Art Exhibition”, MEME space, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2012.12 |
Sheng-Po made public his all tutorials for Processing coding course (six weeks) of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. |
2013.01 |
Exhibition “Mr.action X Mrs.action” was held in action space, Taichung, Taiwan. |
2013.03 |
Work-“texture”was shown in the group Exhibition -“Sustained- Co-exhibited with Ya-Ping Chang, Sheng-Po Shen, Pei-Ching Chiang, Chang-Ru Liu in the Gallery of Baci 87, Taichung. Opening performance- “Untitled” with Andrea Valvini. |
2013.07 |
Work-“playaround” was presented in the Live performance of “Good Vibration” in Insomnia Cafe, Taipei. |
2013.10 |
Work-“Destroyed Poem” was presented in the Live performance of “Lacking sound Festival #76”in EBCbuzz Cafe, Taipei. |
2013.04 |
A live coding performance was presented in the “Prosthetic Limbs - External Links”, aInterdisciplinary performance art and technology performance project of Pei-Ling Lee. |
2013.6 |
Invitation of Art Residence from Canada SAT Technology Art Center. Due to cancer treatment, he was not able to make the trip. |
2013.10 |
As a tutor in the workshop- “Generative Arts” of Tainan University. |
2013.12 |
Married with Pei-Ching Chiang in Taichung on Dec. 29th. |
2014.01 |
Invitation from the activity – “AIR Taipei Artist Talk No.1” by Artist Village Taipei. |
2014.04 |
April 13th, Sheng-Po passed away in Taichung Veterans General Hospital. |
2014.05 |
Work“Pin Shadow” was invited to exhibit at “Wonder of Fantasy: 2014 International Techno Art Exhibition” in National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan. |