

another soundscape

台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 柯金源 Chin-yuan Ke / 52 min

90 年代,紅毛猩猩在台灣因為大眾傳播媒體的推波助瀾,竟成為許多人家的「寵物」,牠們從婆羅洲與蘇門達臘島輾轉被走私到台灣,歷經顛沛流離、族群死別、家園崩毀,再遭到棄養、無家可歸。這是一個不應該開始,但又很真實的故事,因為一連串的錯誤,20 幾年來,牠們遭受許多苦難,在牠們的身上,看到了人類所留下來滿滿的烙印。 
Orangutans, native to Malaysia and Indonesia, are the “Man of the Woods”. But since the 1980, Taiwanese merchants have smuggled the furry great apes to Taiwan to sell them as domesticated pets. This documentary shows the efforts of research institutes who have been working to rescue these creatures by training them to eventually release them back into the wild. Can the apes once again swing in the paradise they seem to have lost?
