

 Teletubbies in Taipei: Workers Against Privatisation


台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 郭明珠 Kuo Ming-chu / 59 min

2008 年台北市街頭出現了4 名天線寶寶,胸前掛著螢幕播放短片、發文宣,在幽默的頭套下,其實是4 個被惡意解雇的故事。他們原在台北市路邊停車格開單收費的市府員工,只求一份穩定的工作,烈日豪雨都要上工,但市府卻要將停車收費工作委外辦理。作為市民、城市的主人,我們只想問:給這些辛苦工作的人一份正職工作,何過之有! 
In 2008, on the streets of Taipei, four Teletubbies appeared. They had monitors on their chests, and they dispatched DMs. They were four of Taipei’s government employees who had been laid off. No matter how hot the day or how heavy the rains were, they worked hard in the parking lots just to have stable work. But then the government shifted the operating rights to outer companies. This is a film about their anger to politicians who did not keep their words.
