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Yves Netzhammer 尤維 奈瑟曼

尤維 奈瑟曼

1970  出生於瑞士的沙夫豪森


他的個展曾在布萊梅美術館、舊金山現代藝術美術館、柏林昆斯特-維科現代藝術學院等重要展場展出與獲獎。奈瑟曼更在最近的威尼斯雙年展代表瑞士參展,並為2007年的Documentaz展製作了一項大型裝置藝術。他的作品受到伯爾尼藝術博物館(Kunstmuseum Bern)、澳洲的新舊藝術博物館、美國賓州的西集博物館和東京的CB Collection公開收藏。


Yves Netzhammer

Yves Netzhammer (Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 1970) lives and works in Zurich. From 1987 to 1990 he studied architecture at Schaffhausen, then moved to Zurich to complete his training in design and the visual arts. After exhibiting his works in solo shows in important venues like Kunsthalle Bremen, San Francisco MoMA, Kunst-Werke Berlin and winning a number of awards,
Netzhammer represented Switzerland at its national pavilion in the Giardini di Castello at the most recent Venice Biennale and created a big installation for the Karlskirche Kassel during the Documenta in 2007. His work is part of different public collections like Kunstmuseum Bern, Museum of Old and New Art (Mona) Hobard, West Collection Pennsylvania and the CB Collection Tokyo.



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