尼可拉斯 郭巴赫
2001起 作品於歐美、亞洲各地展出
2004 優等成績畢業
2005 紐約市立大學杭特學院綜合媒體藝術碩士、柏林藝術大學碩士
2007 11月-2008年6月 巴黎東京宮的駐村藝術家
Niklas Goldbach
Niklas Goldbach studied photography at the University of Bielefeld and 'Experimental Media Arts' at the University of the Arts Berlin where he graduated with honours in 2004. In 2005 he majored in the MFA program 'Integrated Media Arts' at Hunter College, City University of New York and postgraduated with a "Meisterschüler" degree of the University of the Arts Berlin. Since 2001 his work has been exhibited throughout Europe, the United States and Asia. From November 2007 until June 2008 Niklas Goldbach was participant of the artist in residency program of the "Palais de Tokyo", Paris.