現在位置Location:首頁Index>James T. Hong 洪子健

James T. Hong 洪子健


1970  出生於美國明尼蘇達州
1990 -1996 加州柏克萊大學、明尼蘇達州明尼阿波里斯大學、伊利諾大學香檳分校及南加州大學修習哲學、電影與電視
2009  「城市遊牧影展」,台灣
2008  「臺北雙年展」,台北


他的數部影片“Taipei 101: A Travelogue of Symptoms” (2004), “Die Entnazifizierung des MH / The Denazification of MH” (2006) and “Lessons of the Blood” (2010)獲得獎項與資助。


James T. Hong

Born 1970 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA) James T. Hong studied philosophy and Film/Television from 1990 until 1996 at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Southern California. Besides several awards and grants for his films, e.g. “Taipei 101: A Travelogue of Symptoms” (2004), “Die Entnazifizierung des MH / The Denazification of MH” (2006) and “Lessons of the Blood” (2010), he has been participating at diverse solo screenings as in 2009 at the Urban Nomad Film Festival in Taiwan (with Yin-Ju Chen) and in 2008 at the Taipei Biennale.



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