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導演焦點-亞歷山大‧佩特夫作品集 Director on Focus - Alexander Petrov

亞歷山大‧佩特夫來自俄國,身兼導演、藝術家、動畫家,1957 年出生於雅羅斯拉福爾這座古老的俄羅斯城市。1972至1976年,他於雅羅斯拉福爾藝術學校攻讀繪畫與設計。1982年於莫斯科國家電影學院畢業後,進入動畫產業,擔任藝術總監。1989 年,他創作出第一部動畫作品《母牛》,身兼腳本作者、導演、藝術總監、與動畫師。創作此作品時,佩特夫也首度使用玻璃製作動畫。


接下來的作品《狂人之夢》、《美人魚》也運用同樣的技術。根據海明威短篇故事改編的《老人與海》則是他人生中的重要作品,該作品為橫跨加拿大、日本、俄羅斯三國的大型計畫,且特別為可於IMAX大螢幕播放而製作。《老人於海》在 2000 年贏得奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎。在閒暇時間,亞歷山大也喜愛作畫,替書籍畫插圖。

2000年時,亞歷山大‧佩特夫在雅羅斯拉福爾設立了自己的工作室製作新作品。近年來他更致力於動畫教學,這次參展影片特選一部他與學生合作的新作品 One More Time《再一次》,幽默風趣的敘事及流暢的動畫,令人回味無窮。

亞歷山大‧佩特夫 Alexander Petrov作品年表
•1989年:《母牛》 •1992年:《狂人之夢》 •1997年:《美人魚》 •1999年:《老人與海》 •2003年:《冬之日》 •2006年:《我的愛》


Alexander Petrov - Russian director, artist and animator. He was born in 1957 in the ancient Russian city - Yaroslavl. From 1972 to 1976 studied painting and design in the Yaroslavl art school. In 1982 he ended art faculty of the Moscow institute of cinematography and started working in the animation as artist-director. In 1989 he created the first author's film "The Cow" as author of the script, director, artist-director and animator. For the first time for production of this film Alexander used technique of the come to life painting on glass.
Alexander's following films" Dream of the ridiculous man " and "The Mermaid" have been made in the same animation technique. A significant stage in Alexander Petrov's life became film "The Old man and the sea ", basing on Ernest Hemingway’s short story. It is a big international project of Canada, Japan and Russia, which has been created for showing on a huge screen IMAX. Film “The Old man and the sea " has received the premium of American film-academy “Oscar” in 2000. During his leisure time Alexander Petrov goes in for painting and illustrates books.

In 2000 Alexander has founded his studio in Yaroslavl where he works over the new projects.