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2011年 渥太華國際動畫影展最佳影片 Best of 2011 Ottawa International Animation Festival

渥太華國際動畫影展(OIAF - Ottawa International Animation Festival)成立於1976年,成立之初以雙年展的形式舉辦,至1997年,有鑒於學生創作激增,開闢了學生影展,改以隔年交替方式舉辦,參與之創作者年齡層從小學、中學、甚至擴及大學、研究所。由於兩影展廣受好評,2005年OIAF決定從雙年展形式改為每年定期的影展,每年定期在中秋九月中旬舉辦,報名參展的影片從當初的四百多部到現在近三千部,OIAF已成為北美洲最大的動畫影展。

渥太華占地利之便,與加拿大電影局(NFB)合作關係密切。在影展其間,NFB不但派人支援活動,其製片都會參與及主持與導演面對面的會談,是此影展的一大特色。除此之外,在2004年OIAF更結合動畫業界,舉辦電視動畫研討會(TAC - Television Animation Conference),探討成功的商業案例及促成國際合作。



The Ottawa Animation Festival (OIAF) was founded in 1976 as Biennale initially. In 1997, in view of students’ creation surge, a student film festival was held alternately in the following year. Creators age from primary, secondary, university to grand-school students. As the two festivals are critically acclaimed, the OIAF decided to change the form to annual festival in 2005, and held in mid-September each year. The number of films participated was from more than 400 to now nearly 3000. The OIAF has become North America's largest animation festival.

Because of geographic proximity, the OIAF cooperates with the Canadian Film Board (NFB) closely. During the festival, the NFB not only sends crews to support activities, producers often participate in and chair face to face discussion talks with directors as a feature of this festival. In addition, in 2004 the OIAF more with animation industry organized seminars on television animation (TAC - television animation conference) to discuss about successful
business cases and promote international cooperation.

Ottawa Animation Festival for the first time this year with Taipei Digital Arts Center offers the latest award-winning films this year, a total of 10, from Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries, including many excellent and creative videos from students.

