Galcid+齋藤久師 Hisashi Saito (JP)
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自稱合成器女子二人組的galcid,喜愛瘋狂蒐集類比合成器,並於網路直播平台Ustream製作「合成器咖啡廳」節目,以淺顯易懂的方式解說合成器的魅力與基礎內容。雖然是兩個女生所創作的聲音,內容卻是跟少女一詞完全擦不上邊的重酸電子音樂,帶來無法預料、奇想一般的即興演出。看似沉穩的兩人卻能做出無法想像、充滿攻擊性的音樂,就連男人也自嘆不如。2013年12月於LIQUIDOMMUNE的表演,曾與石野卓球及FUMIYA TANAKA等知名DJ共同演出,更擴展了她們的演出實力。
Galcid, as what they address themselves, is a female synthesizer duo. They are crazy about synthesizers, and host a program “Synthesizer Café” on Ustream to explain the basis and charm of synthesizers in an easy way. Their works, though created by two girls, are indeed acid electronic music, far from feminine. Their improvised performance is unexpected like a fantasy. The seemingly composed duo can make aggressive music beyond imagination, and men are even put to shame by that. In December 2013, they have performed with famous DJs, like Takkyu Ishino and Fumiya Tanaka, in Liquidommune, further enhancing their capability.
齋藤久師 Hisashi Saito
1991年於日本唱片廠牌Victor Entertainment發表了出道作「GULT DEP」。參加過「Y Seth King」、松武秀樹率領的「Logic system」等團體,也曾參與將全世界的熱門歌曲製成8位元音樂的「8bit project」歐洲巡迴演出。曾以音樂團體「pulselize」為名,透過唱片品牌Neuron Records連續發行許多作品。最新發行的著作「DTM Techno 99」也廣受好評,並在合成器同好會「合成器酒吧」中擔任製作。目前以音樂創作者的角度深入參與Roland所製作的樂器「AIRA」的研發。
Hisashi Saito released his first album Gult Dep by Victor Entertainment. He has been a member of Y Seth King, Logic system led by Hideki Matsutake, and the European tour of 8bit project, which remixing hit songs worldwide into 8 bit music. Saito has also published many works in a row under the group of Pulselize by Neuron Records. His latest album DTM Techno 99 also received wide acclaim. Now he works as a producer in Synthesizer Café, a synthesizer club. As a composer, he also takes part in the development of AIRA, a musical instrument made by Roland.