Doraptron (JP) (伊東篤宏 Atsuhiro Ito×一楽儀光Yoshimitsu Ichiraku )
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伊東篤宏Atsuhiro Ito
生於1965年。80年代後期開始從事視覺藝術工作,並於1998年開始在展覽中進行聲音演出。伊東所發明的聲音裝置「OPTRON」以日光燈管為主要材料,燈管也同時應用在他其他的藝術裝置上。至今伊東仍然致力於追求裝置的完美,並且從當代藝術的觀點探索聲音和音樂的可能性。 除了展覽與表演之外,伊東也參與許多樂團的演出,Optrum、Imai Kazuo TRIO、OFFSEASON等。Optrum曾於2006年發行專輯「Recorded」,伊東也於2009年自行成立公司-「GOTOBAI recordings」,發行個人表演DVD 「OPTVISION」。最近與德國電子音樂創作者Alva Noto與Byetone近年組成的電子音樂團體「Diamond Version」已於不同的國家進行多場演出,2011年發行由音樂廠牌BLACKSMOKER RECORDS推出的個人專輯「Midnight Pharmacist」。2013年6月開始,OPTRON與鼓手的兩人樂團「Optrum」的第二張專輯「Recorded 2」,則由unknownmix / headz發行。
Born in 1965, Atsuhiro Ito worked at visual art in the late 80s, and conducting audio performances in his exhibition as of 1998. He uses Optron fluorescent tubes to devise his sound machine, and he also applies the tubes to other art devices. Ito pursuits perfection of his devise, and explore the possibilities of sounds an music from the perspective of contemporary art. In addition to exhibition and performances, Ito also engages himself in bands, including Optrum, Imai Kazuo Trio, Offseason. Optrum realeased Recorded in 2006, and Into established his own company GOTOBAI recordings to release his personal DVD Optvision. Recently, he organized an electronic music group, Diamond Version with two Germany electronic music composers, Alva Noto and Byetone, and has toured many countries. Ito released his personal album Midnight Pharmacist by Blacksmoker Recordings. The band Optrum, now is a duo of OPTRON and a drummer, released its second album Recorded 2 by Unknownmix/headz as of June 2013.
一楽儀光Yoshimitsu Ichiraku
藉著「DoraVideo」,一樂儀光在全世界的搖滾音樂祭、爵士音樂祭、媒體藝術祭、電影節、藝術節等活動受到許多好評。2005年在「ARS Electronica」得到當年數位音樂部門的榮譽提名Honorary Mention大賞。2007年6月接受藝術界最高榮譽威尼斯雙年展邀請,2008年8月亦代表日本出席西班牙世界博覽會。2009年曾參與知名節目「SMAP×SMAP」演出。在知性,甚至嚴謹的作品充斥媒體藝術界的同時,他的作品卻中包含著通俗,粗野,甚至低級的娛樂性。目前他正透過Vestaxs公司及CACIO公司等提供的器材製作完成度極高的「DORAnome3」。
Developed by Yoshimitsu Ichiraku, DoraVideo is a computer system controlling drums as well as a solo of him. Having been suffering from waist pain , Ichiraku resigned as a drummer and restarted his music career when Tkrworks released DORAnome, a real-time remixing instrument of music image. Unlike the music from other musical instrument, Ichiraku composed is unique music with his own ideas. With DoraVideo, Ichiraku are well-received in rock music festivals, Jazz festivals, media art festivals, movie festivals, and art festivals worldwide. In 2005, nominated by the digital music department, he won the Honorary Mention in Ars Electronica. In June 2007, he was invited to participated in La Biennale di Venezia, and attended World Expo in Spain on behalf of Japan in August, 2008. In 2009, he took part in the performance in SMAP x SMAP. In the field of new media art with overwhelming serious works, Ichiraku’s works incorporate common, coarse, and even vulgar entertainment. Currently, with the instruments sponsored by Vestaxs and Cacio, he is making DORAnome3, a highly completed work.