藝術家:吳權倫 Chuan-Lun Wu
作品名稱:〈Untitled〉(Debris 系列)
繼承了〈Debris〉系列中使用建模軟體製作影像的基礎。 〈Untitled〉將摸索的方向從相較單純的多邊形造型轉往更為有機,更具身體感的型態。將操作3D建模工具的態度重新定義為解剖,繼而在參考了人體器官模型與病理圖片後重新揉捏出一具不明骸體。
Metallic photo paper, Diasec (acrylic, aluminium frame)|2011-2016
"Debris" is referred to the discarded remains after destroyed. Intuitively, it describes the broken and incomplete models built in the works. It is further intended to re-examine the production process from digitization to materialization, and the usable and the unusable. The front-end developing 3D software is employed to build the wrecked 3D model, and, with the production stage skipped, the only thing left is the images composed of fragments. The sequence of design (the beginning), produce (the process), and discard (the end) is re-arranged to the make the beginning no difference from the end. In this sense, “becoming the unusable debris” takes over the meaning of manufacturing.
The purity of 3D software/images as a tool/medium, presented in the visual experience, embodies in the texture similar to abstract painting, and the process of using the software is like sculpturing; yet, the final result is a piece of photo paper that records various kinds of material simulations and rendering of light and shadow. Space dimension is blurred in between a digital project and a visual object, in which a modern body is compressed into 2.5 dimension.