Helen CH Ting 丁俊心,生長於台北台灣,2012畢業於紐約視覺藝術學院(School of Visual Arts)插畫系,取得藝術學士。2011系列作品Poison Apple and Smoking Lamp : Cinderella Costume Fantasy入選年度傑出作品,於曼哈頓SVA Chelsea Gallery展出。返台後身兼平面設計師及插畫家繼續從事藝術創作,好於運用圖像意境闡述對社會現象及人文思想的個人觀點。2015 Creator Is Nobody入選寶藏巖台北國際藝術村『混種現場』視覺藝術展,於台北市中山創意基地展出。www.tinghelen.com
Helen CH Ting considers creating images to be strategy to express visions and philosophies. In 2012, Ting obtained a BFA degree from School of Visual Arts in New York. Back to Taipei in 2013, Ting is a freelance illustrator and artist, and currently experiences rule-breaking execution in international art projects. She is currently based in Taipei. www.tinghelen.com