名稱 / 第一印象(First Impression)
形式 / 影像、聲音
年份 / 2014
長度 / 58m30s
媒材 / 單頻錄像
藝術家 / 尹香老(Hyangro Yoon)(韓國)
過去四年Hyangro Yoon從網路上搜集一系列GIF檔案,製作成一小時的電影《第一印象》。這個標題取自珍•奧斯汀《傲慢與偏見》的原稿,而片中字幕則是她根據小說最新電影版而改編。即使劇中人物身份因GIF檔案格式不同與主題不一致而不斷改變,但劇本中的對話仍讓觀眾能跟上影片的大致進展。儘管圖像和敘事之間幾乎完全缺乏連續性或關連性,一種極佳的和諧感仍從藝術家獨特的鑑賞力中浮現。
Yoon created her one-hour film First Impressions from an array of GIF files that she has collected from the internet over the last four years. The titled is borrowed from the original draft of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, and Yoon wrote the film’s subtitles based on a recent film adaptation of the novel. The dialogue from the script allows the viewers to follow the general flow of the video, even though the identity of the characters is constantly changing, due to the differing formats and subjects of the GIF files. Despite the almost total lack of continuity or connection between the images and narratives, a superb harmony emerges from the artist’s unique sensibility.