名稱 / 線上葬禮:死靈術(Online-Funeral : Necromancy)
形式 / 現地裝置、錄像
年份 / 2016
媒材 / 複合媒材、影片
藝術家 / 林子桓(Tzu-Huan Lin)(台灣)
[ 說嗨 ] or [ 重新開始 ] ?
You opened your eyes, in a world covered with white.
A tour guide was waiting for you.
You want to...
[ Say Hi ] or [ Restart ]?
Time is irrelevant here, travel in no linear but a blink.
Each time you stopped you experience a relationship.
All the signs were made for misguiding. Getting lost is inevitable.
Do not fear the animal in tent, dance with the glass and water.
Body like Spaghetti
Grape and Pinball
Soul in Straw
Online funeral service is a way to dedicate to your love and keep them alive but they will be trapped in another world eternally. The Necromancy is a way to awake the dead soul, the necromancer will be the guide for both the living and the dead to exchange the language and explore the unknown world. The guide is waiting in the lobby, be prepared and lost.
Artist is interested in research of mass reproduction and stock footage. Then he transplants this lazy culture into serious event. He uses stock footage and found footage to create an online funeral, which can be easily reproduced. Artist creates a site specific installation and video. In this second edition, the artist becomes a Necromancer to guide the lost soul in the online funeral, talking about life, subjectivity, the nature of things and questioning the meaning of life.