展覽論述 Curatorial Statement

「我曾愛過一個像沙漠一般的男人,而在那之前,我曾愛過沙漠。這不是什麼特別的事物,但談到這其中的空間,那豐富的縹緲,即是沙漠的邀請。」 ——Robecca Solnit,《迷路實地指南》。




或者我們應該如一位蒸氣音樂工作者Dream Catalog所形容的:「現在文化發展之快,讓所有的音樂都近乎成為一種一瞬即過的噪音,甚至可以說是隨用即丟的,而我很喜歡這個想法。我最愛的就是在Soundcloud上,僅是聽著這些串流的音樂,同時深深地知道我將再也不會聽到這些歌,而這些歌都將在風裡消失。」

“Once I loved a man who was a lot like the desert, and before that I loved the desert. It wasn’t particular things but the space between them, that abundance of absence, that is the desert’s invitation.”– Robecca Solnit, A field guide to getting lost.

This exhibition explores how internet images, post-production, remix, randomness encounter on the internet as a thing (Ding). How imageries that generate on internet after being taking out of its context become a thing itself, and part of it encountered with future users with its different qualities (as when fire burns cotton, it’s not the fire and cotton interact, but the caricature of the cotton and fire interact). From human perspective, the reasons for us to form relationship with such objects could be keyword search, or feelings of nostalgia, comedic factors, truth, hashtag, or trending. However, we can never have a full picture of how these auto-played, permanent archived data, or continuously in loop gifs generated infinitely by anonymous users on the internet will evolve with or without us. 

Is there anything deeper than what we can perceive from these materials? Is it important to us? Does it serve as tools for our creativity or a formation of our identity? When things being reduced to what is useful to us, do we still have the power to imagine? Or we only experience these objects in its function to us?

This exhibition wishes to invite artists, designers and musician’s works to discuss how they have or attempt to aestheticise these mediums that generate in our time. Does these images-object still making any sense in our culture? Does it have to be making sense to us? Is the point of encounter does the only access we will ever get? How can we say we have experienced, or interacted, or had relationship with, when there is still so much that we don’t comprehend? or shall we experiences them just as Vaporwave artist Dream Catalog once said: “Culture is so fast paced now that all this music is just passing noise, disposable almost, and I like that aspect of it a lot. I love going on Soundcloud and just listening to the stream, knowing I may never hear these songs again, and they will just disappear into the wind.”