游移之身 The Body of Mobile Time

年份/ Year:2015

長度/ Length of the Film:循環播放 Loop

尺寸/ Size:視展覽空間調整 Dimension Variable

媒材/ Media:錄像、聲音裝置、複合媒材 video, sound, mixed-media

影像與聲音協力:Mateusz Dzierżyński

Sound of the work is provided by: Mateusz Dzierżyński


作品《游移之身》(“ The Body of Mobile Time”)記錄日常的身體行為。當機械時間滲透到身體時間之中,身體的反覆性作為現實的測定器,疲憊感即成當代身體的共感經驗,該如何穿越時間光速之際,游移於多重互文性下的身體記憶,產生身體、空間、時間的連結關係。

“  The Body of Mobile Time” records everyday actions of the body. When mechanical time penetrates body time repetitive actions become real measuring instruments, and fatigue becomes the collective experience of the modern body. How do we pass through time at the speed of light, and move with multiple intertextual bodily memories that produce interconnected relationships of body, space, and time.