織造身體 Anamorphic Body

年代/ Year:2015 

長度/ Length of the Film:循環播放 Loop

尺寸/ Size:視展覽空間調整 Dimension Variable

媒材/ Media:錄像、聲音裝置、複合媒材 video, sound installation , mixed-media


Sound of the work is provided by: 44-22


作品《織造身體》(“Anamorphic Body”)藉由探討身體影像核心概念,從身體概念發展感知迴路,思考科技媒介下身體重構時的視覺架構,作品中透過流動影像的對話,拼湊著身體、時間與空間的感性敘事,在位移與成像的關係中,織造成為多重互文性下的身體景觀。

By exploring the core concept of bodily images, “Anamorphic Body”, develops avenues of awareness from the concept of the body, and considers the visual framework of the reconstruction of the body using technological media. Through the dialogue of flowing images, the perceptual narratives of bodies, time, and space are united, creating multiple body images from the relationship between form and displacement.