吻吻 The kiss

年代/ Year:2015 

影像長度/ Length of the Film:循環播放  Loop

尺寸/ Size:視展覽空間調整 Dimension Variable

媒材/ Media:影像輸出、複合媒材 c-print, mixed media


靈感來自於超現實主義畫家馬格利特畫作《愛人》(“Les Amants”)。作品《吻吻》(“The kiss”)以衣布覆蓋著臉孔,當身體媒介轉譯成一種視覺語言符碼,存在於每一個人最深、最強、最豐富的內化情感下, 親密感即是生命個體的重要部分與潛藏力量。

Inspired by the painting, “Les Amants”, by the surrealist painter Magritte, this work “The Kiss” uses clothes to cover faces, transforming the body into a form of coded visual language. Intimacy, as it exists within the deepest, strongest and richest human emotions of everybody, is an important part of the hidden power of life.