
名稱 │ 我們「見面」,因手機We meetby cell-phone

形式 │  網路行動藝術、App

年份 │ 2015

媒材 │  電腦、智慧型手機、網路社群

藝術家 │ 王秋雯、李奇璋、許素朱(小牛)


智慧型手機的普及,人們依賴將手機作為溝通的媒介,也漸漸習慣不見面也能溝通的生活方式。也因此,久而久之人與人之間的疏離感隨之而生。本作品〈我們見面,因手機〉以一種逆向思維的方式來讓民眾使用手機──使用手機就是要「見面」。作品以網路行動藝術的方式來實現,為了滿足APP的多種作業系統,我們分別開發兩個模式:「拍照打卡」相見模式(Photo mode) for Android系統的手機,與「掃瞄打卡」相見模式(Scan mode) for IOS系統的手機。讓民眾一起響應使用手機就是要「見面」的理念,一起下載我們所開發的APP,相見打卡後,讓相見打卡的訊息上傳至Google map,此時手機不是扮演遠距溝通的媒介,而是敦使見面的媒介。本作品透過多人參與行動共同創造一個數位地圖風景,這樣的行動使得見面更有趣!


Title: We “meet” by cell-phone

Form: Internet performance art, App

Year of Creation: 2015

Media: computer, smartphone, social network services

Artist: Chiu–Wen Wang、Chyi-Jang Lee、Xiaoniu Su-Chu Hsu


People have not only relied heavily on smartphones for communication due to the popularization of this kind of electronic devices, but also grown accustomed to communication without meeting each other, which inevitably resulted in a growing sense of alienation among people in the course of time. To investigate the sense of alienation, the work We “meet” by cell-phone reverses the way of communication; that is, the participants can communicate with each other by their smartphones only when they “meet” each other. This work is presented in the form of Internet performance art. To adapt to different APP systems, we developed two modes of operation: the Photo Mode for Android system and the Scan Mode for IOS system. We expect the public to echo our philosophy of meeting by cell-phone. After installing the App developed specifically for this work, the participants can check in when they meet and upload their check-in messages to Google Map. Within this context, cell-phones are not so much a medium for remote communication as a medium for encouraging face-to-face gathering. This work therefore creates a digital landscape through the public participation, making face-to-face communication more mesmeric and riveting.