王尹聲 Yin-Sheng Wang
王尹聲目前為臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系研究生。專長為AE動畫、視覺與裝置設計,主要創作媒材為動畫與裝置。個展經歷2013《M˙FACTORY》,東海大學美術學系「A+藝術空間」、2015《超越實驗II –『貞子的復仇 』》,國立台灣美術館TdAic,線上展。
Yin-Sheng Wang is presently a graduate student in the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. He specializes in AE animation, visual and installation design. Animation and installation serve as his primary creative media. He not only staged his solo exhibition M˙FACTORY at A+art space, Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University in 2013, but also participated in the online exhibition Extend Experimental Animation - II : Entity Ghost hosted by Taiwan Digital Art and Information Center, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.