名稱 │ 三位一體(3 in 1)
形式 │ 影像複合媒材
年份 │ 2014-2015
長度 │ 4分鐘循環
媒材 │ 版畫、錄像、3D列印、動畫
藝術家 │ 戴嘉明 、陳俊杰 、王尹聲
林智信老師的版畫藝術已獲國際美術館肯定,其圖像元素在國際藝術上受崇高注目。本作品將其靜態形式轉換為立體與動畫形式,建置台灣第一個以「迎媽祖」版畫為素材之動畫創作設計。作品將以四部分呈現構成最終動畫的主題,分別為作品A : Animation(動畫),作品B : Style(原作風格)、作品C : Character(3D角色建模)與作品D : Action(動作捕捉),作品名稱三位指的是Style、Character、Action,而一體指的是3D Animation。Style部分將以原作裁切成活動關節,賦予2D版畫生命形式。Character將以3D列印出藝陣遊行表演者,並將其排列成遊行狀態,將角色立體化過程以實體物件方式呈現,運用當下流行的3D列印技術。Action以錄影方式呈現,將藝陣表演者在未化妝與穿戴的狀況下演出姿勢,藉此捕捉最原始的肢體影像,該動作運用Kinect移動式動作捕捉系統,將動作資料結合風格與角色,完成最終動畫。
Title: 3 in 1
Form: video (mixed media)
Year of Creation: 2014-2015
Length: 4-min loop
Media: printmaking, video, 3D printing, animation
Artist: Jia-Ming Day、Chun-Chien Chen、Yin-Sheng Wang
Chih-Hsin Lin’s works of printmaking have been recognized internationally as an important component for the international art scene. The work 3 in 1 transforms the static form of printmaking into a 3D animation, which is the first animation in Taiwan featuring the cerebration of Mazu Festival. This animation is divided into four parts, namely animation, style, character, and action. The latter three parts constitute the trinity, to wit, the 3D animation. In the part of style, the figures in the printmaking are equipped with moveable joints and therefore become animated. In the part of character, the performers are created with 3D printing and arranged in the form of a parade. The process of transforming 2D characters into 3D ones is presented in the form of physical objects with the popular 3D printing technology. The part of action takes the form of recording, presenting the postures of religious festival performers who did not wear makeup and costumes, and thereby captures the purest images of body motions with the Kinect motion capture system. The animation is finally completed by integrating the data of action, style, and character.