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梁世佑 RainReader Liang


生於臺南,從小與電玩、動漫結下了不解之緣。曾任教過國中、高中、五專與多所大學,試圖以當代娛樂與流行文化的角度來融入歷史教學,傳達多元化的知識系譜,並推動將 ACG文化視為一門學問來加以研究。現任教於交通大學、東海大學與旭傳媒網路科技公司 U- ACG負責人,台北數位藝術節 電玩藝術專題展策展人。

Liang was born in Tainan. He has been having an indissoluble bond with video games and comics since his childhood. He used to teach in high schools, five-year vocational schools, and universities. He tries to integrate contemporary entertainment and popular culture into the content of courses, pass pluralistic knowledge genealogies on students, and promotes the study of ACG culture as a discipline. He teaches currently in National Chiao Tung University andTunghai University,and serves as the director of U-ACG in MediaBrilliance System Corporation. He is also the curator of Taipei Game Art Exhibition.

