






年代/ 2012


當代自由主義女性主義者貝蒂.傅瑞丹(Betty Friedan)強調女性對公共事務的參與並不意味著要放棄家庭生活,而是讓自己成為能在各種角色中取得平衡的女性,期待透過此次動畫情節的鋪陳,讓與會的大眾能一窺我生命的無限美好。不同階段中對於自己、他人、愛情、家庭與工作的探索,我將藝術視為一個可能的途徑,藉由經歷不同單元中的習作,來嘗試傳達自己在各個階段所產生的不同想法與經驗,以藝術的形式,含蓄傳遞兩性議題的角色,並藉由圖象的表現,顯露對於身體意識與慾望的探尋。


Love and Lonely Walk
Animation, porcelain painting, calligraphy, LCD monitor

Contemporary liberal and feminist Betty Friedan emphasized that women do not need to give up family life when they participate the public affairs. She argues that women should be able to find a balance between two. The story of the animation is to share with public about the unlimited wonderfulness of my life. With different stages in the life, through exploring myself, others, love, family and work, I see art as a possible channel, to accomplish different tests in different subjects. I attempt to express my thoughts and experiences in different stages of life. The gender issues are discretely discussed in the art form. The imagery also exposes the exploration for body awareness and desires.
