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媒材/動畫mapping、互動裝置、收音麥克風、白紗、紗幔 等複合

年代/ 2013


我是個女性。自出生的那一刻起,我便不時問自己:「我是誰?我為什麼是女性?」做為女性,「我與他人的關係是什麼?我與社會、世界的關係又是什麼?」 在人生過程中,女性有著和男性完全不同的生命經驗,我的人生在經歷了結婚和生孩子後,又有了更為豐富的層次,也產生了分享和表達這個過程的心情和願望。為了擴大和其他女性個體的經驗連結,我嘗試以藝術途徑來反芻生命經驗,激發其他觀眾及參與者的創作動能,提供一個知覺及情感轉化的出口,重新譯寫有關自身、與他者之間的關係和返視。透過白紗為載體,於其上投影動畫,讓層疊的半透明投影材質將展間幻化成電影場景,藉以探討愛、戀、情、慾的差異與界線,和兩性在愛、戀、情、慾的認知距離。我以拉崗(Jacques-Marie-Emile Lacan)提及「鏡像階段」和潛意識層面中人類普遍性的情感特質,轉以藝術的手法進行公開的表述,以藝術的形式,嘗試扮演含蓄傳遞兩性議題的角色。藉由圖象的表現,顯露對於身體意識與慾望的探尋。


Flowery Heart
Animation mapping, interactive installation, microphone, white veil, lace drapes, and mixed media

I am a female. From the moment I was born, I have constantly asked myself: “Who am I? Why am I a female?” As a female, “what is my relationship to others? What is the relationship between me, the society and the world?”
In the journey of life, women have the completely different life experience from the men. My life has been enriched after getting married and having children. After those experiences, I also came to wish to share and express the feelings from them. I am trying to revisit life through art to expand and to connect with other women and their experiences. This revisit should be able to enlighten the creative drive of the visitors and participants, and to provide a transformation outlet of their recognitions and emotions. This process should allow them to reinterpret themselves and the relationship and the reflections between self and others. The white veils are the medium to be projected on, and the translucent material transforms the gallery into a movie scene to discuss the lines between love, affection, emotion, and lust, and the distances of understanding between two genders of those feelings. There is an universal emotional quality in our subconscious and from the “mirror stage” as Jacques-Marie-Emile Lacan, and I attempt to deliver the gender issues in a discrete way through art in public presentation. The imagery exposes the exploration of body awareness and desire.
