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展覽理念 Exhibition Introduction

文/ 曹筱玥

女性的一生是一場探險,每天都有著新的際遇。女性的身體亦是柔軟又充滿可能性的,而且除了社會給她的意義之外,隨著身體的變化,她也能自己給自己不同的意義。如同瑪格麗特.芙樂(Margaret Fuller)所敘述的,女性自我成長的目的並不僅是要成為一個稱職的妻子與母親而已,更重要的是,為了她自身的豐富與充實,如同一個瓶子,一個容器一般,隨著成長、結婚、生子,不斷的擴展!!
此次的個展,我試圖將生命旅程上的各式風景,透過數位藝術的呈現方式,來書寫與記錄下每個階段的生命面貌和心路歷程,而透過這些長年來的自我探索和觀察,以及與作品中物件的深刻連結,重新反芻與思索接下來的發展。回顧青少女時的我,憧憬著轟轟烈烈的愛情,在展間掛滿了大大小小的白紗禮服,它們是我具體化的愛情之夢;而曲面投影技術(Curved-Surface Projection)則是將戀愛的心情投影在潔白的婚紗上,透過它們,夢想在眼前展開了。結婚後,我被踏實幸福的生活填滿,尤其兩個小孩相繼來到,分別和我親親密密相連十個月後誕生在這個世界,懷孕的過程使我加倍感知自己的身體,也開啟了對身體議題的興趣和研究;可愛的陶瓷小鞋投注的是對孩子的愛與未來的期望,生活故事則透過浮空投影技術(Holographic projection)呈現出來,3D的立體視覺效果,層疊的半透明投影材質將展間幻化成電影場景。「身體萬花筒」作品談的是身心結合的境界,兩兩相對的鏡射人體造型是「心」字的形變,利用Flash技術模擬萬花筒三鏡結構而成,讓觀眾體會「心」的流動、解構與重組。放眼未來,則希望能兼顧起生活中的多元角色,認真而真切的演好我所嚮望的劇本!
當代自由主義女性主義者貝蒂.傅瑞丹(Betty Friedan)強調女性對公共事務的參與並不意味著要放棄家庭生活,而是讓自己成為能在各種角色中取得平衡的女性,期待透過此次展出,讓與會的大眾能一窺我生命的無限美好。


The life of a female is an adventure.  Everyday is a new encounter.  The body of the female is soft and full of possibilities.  Other than what the society gives her, following the changes of the body, she could also give herself different meanings.  As Margaret Fuller described, the purpose of woman’s growth is not only about being a good wife and good mother, but it is for the richness and fullness of self.  It is like a bottle or a vessel, expending more and more as she grows, gets married, and gives birth to a child. 
In this exhibition, I am trying to present different scenes in the journey of life through the digital art format.  Through writing and documenting every stage of life and what went through my mind, it was a self-exploration and self-observation of the years.  While connecting with the objects in every piece, I review and start to think about what is to come next.  Looking back to my teen years, the spectacular love in I fantasized is represented by the wedding gowns hung in the gallery.  They are the realization of my dream of love.  The Curved-Surface Projection technology used on the projection on the white gowns is the feelings of falling in love.  My dreams are unveiled in front of your eyes.  After getting married, happiness and satisfaction fills up my life.  My two children came, one after another, who spent ten sweet months so close to me.  I was much more aware of my own body in the pregnancy process, and began curious about the issues related to the body.  The cute porcelain shoes are the love and the future expectation to the children.  The daily life stories are projected through Holographic projection technology.  The three-dimension effect transforms the exhibition space into a movie filing set with the translucent material where the projection is on.  “Body Kaleidoscope” is about the zone where the body and the mind meet.  The mirroring human shapes facing each other are the morph of Chinese character of “heart”.  The kaleidoscope was composed with Flash animation in the piece.  The spectators should sense the flowing, deconstruction, and reconstruction of the “Heart.”  In the future, I would like to take on the multiple roles in life, and to play those roles seriously and truly as the screenplay I had hoped for.
Contemporary liberal and feminist Betty Friedan emphasized that women do not need to give up family life when they participate the public affairs.  She argues that women should be able to find a balance between two.  For the visitors experiencing this exhibition, I would like you to have a glimpse of the unlimited wonderfulness in my life.

