現在位置:首頁>作品列表works>見花又是花II / Seeing Flowers Again II

見花又是花II /Seeing Flowers Again II




見花又是花II / Seeing Flowers Again II

形式:電腦動畫投影 / CG animation


媒材:電腦動畫投影 / CG animation





The concept of space is diversified due to technology advancement and development of internet. It breaks the barrier or culture and language. The technology seems to complete transformed the communication patterns and relation structures between people. Personality, hobbies, personal characters, outlooks, and style were the catalytic agents that helps one to connect with another; but today after the technology assisted transformation, we no longer use these agents to connect with the others, but we further more are obsessed with the ways of the agents themselves. We opened one after another windows to the beautiful new world. It is a place without depression, and it is so big that is without any boundary. There is no set rule and regulation. It is a world to be built, existed, strengthened for every individual. As soon as we enter, the time is frozen with a blink of eyes. Everything here is so strange, terrifying, new, but also familiar like being comfortable at one’s priviate space. We exchange, share, and date, but we are always outside of the window.

