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漫遊者 / Rover




漫遊者 / Rover
媒材:電腦動畫投影 / CG animation



與法國編舞家克里斯.瓊赫佐共同創作 «FOM-1» 後的延伸思考 / an extended Thinking after collective art work «FOM-1» with Chiristian Rizzo


這件作品是在2011年與法國編舞家/視覺藝術家Christian Rizzo合作「Fom-1」後的延伸思考。
我們用冗長的時間在我們所存在的空間(城市、街道、家、房間、網路)中漫遊,日復一日將昨日的種種複製而成今日。我們慣性於低限音樂般的結構裡生活,這個小節比如上一個小節,相同的旋律不斷迴盪在耳際。我們雀躍於偶而細微的旋律差異,像似在一陳不變的漫遊過程中添加了一些小新異。在旅程之中似乎在許找著什麼,似乎要走向哪哩,但是不那麼確定。尋找認同、喜悅、悲傷,尋找交集、邂逅、參與?尋找“不再孤獨”? 或是尋找我們已經不復存在的原來自己?


This piece was inspired “Fom-1,” a project I worked with Christian Rizzo, a French choreographer and visual artist in 2011.

We spent considerable amount of time surfing around the space we are in (city, streets, homes, rooms, cyber). Day after day, the carriage of yesterday piles on to today’s baggage. We are used to the structure of minimalist music. This bar is same as the previous. Same melody keeps ringing in the years. We are excited about the rare and subtle differences in the melody like the routinely wonders with some little twists. Throughout the journey, we seem to look for something, go to somewhere, but not so sure as well. Are we in the search of identity, joy, sorrow, connection, common interests, meets, participation? Are we in search of “no longer lonely”? Or in search of no longer existing selves of ours?
