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奔, 奔 Run, Run.



奔, 奔 Run, Run.

奔, 奔 Run, Run.

奔, 奔 Run, Run.


奔, 奔 Run, Run.

形式:雙頻道投影 及單頻道錄像空間裝置 Dual-frequency projection and single channel video installation


長度:1'13"; 29"循環播放 Loop

尺寸:視展覽空間調整 Dimension variable

媒材:電腦、喇叭、數位影像 computer, speakers, video





You look at me and I look at myself.
I'm a spectator, a runner and a surface.
I'm humor, melancholy and insane.
I lingered in the consciousness.
