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噪影 Noisy Shadow





總是如此忙碌,不知誰為了誰的利益,努力斡旋; 不知誰為了誰的正義,大聲疾呼。城市治理引來一堆建設,因為開發之名,良田便可以被摧毀,老樹也可以被拔起,古厝更可以被剷平,本是全民的海岸與夕照,都可能成為昂貴代價後才能短暫擁有的景觀消費。



Busy like a bee knowing not for whose interests; hooting out loud like an owl knowing not for whose justice. To govern a city means to promote its development. As a result, arable land is destroyed, old trees uprooted, and historical houses demolished, all in the name of development. The beautiful coastline and sunset once belonged to the people are now only accessible (and for limited time, too) if you pay the price.

I imagine that the noise, the deeply buried remains of history, has transformed into eternal energy to live on forever. Under an indistinct bright patch and dim light in the night, the whisper of noise continues from far and near.

