









小時候一直覺得對著生日蛋糕許願是多麼珍貴的事,可以把想要的禮物,刻在願望的翅膀上,等待成真。長大後學到wish這個字,I wish I could讓人驚訝於願望其實部分來自於“無法完成”,仿佛我們對著蛋糕許下的願望,某些成分是為了彌補無法挽回的遺憾。


At a younger age, I thought making wishes to a birthday cake was such a precious moment. I would include all the gifts I wanted in the wishes and hope they will come true. Later in my life I came across the grammatical usage of the English word “wish” and realized when one says “I wish I could”, it is implied that the wish is something that cannot materialize in reality. It is as if the wishes over a birthday cake are simply made to compensate the regrets for things we can never have.

In the Wish Project, I plan to shoot 10 people with different backgrounds. They all have some regrets due to unexpected twists and turns in life, and they all have wishes they make on birthdays. The moments they make those wishes are irrelevant to the mainstream values, as everyone, every soul needs to sing for their happiness, happiness by their own definitions.

Three sets of edited footage are on display at this exhibition. While the three participants have very different personal stories, they all use birthday wishes as opportunities to send blessings to their beloved family.








