展覽日期:2015.01.17(六)-2015. 02.17(二)
開幕時間:2015.01.17(六) 14:00
14:10-14:40 《腦的肖像-洪詩婷個展》開幕導覽 藝術家洪詩婷進行作品導覽
14:40-15:00 茶敘 來賓自由參觀
01. 展覽期間到〈腦的肖像〉中,在只有你ㄧ個人、安全不受打擾的情境下,好好地把話留下來。我們想聽你的故事。本展顧展人員將提供錄音筆給您。
02. 在家使用隨手可得的錄音器材(例如:手機),走在路上靈感來了也可以隨手錄音,再將錄音檔 email至momoko@dac.tw,標題「〈腦的肖像〉回憶」投稿者可以選擇記名,或不記名。沒有特別標記的投稿觀眾,則以尊種隱私的方式,以不記名的形式展出。
Stories and memories are what make us great. Send us your happiest, saddest, strangest, wildest stories and we will put it in the exhibition, there are two ways to do it,
01) come to the exhibition, sit inside of the brain by yourself, and record it with a pen recorder that the museum staff gives you.
02) record it yourself with an iPhone or any recording device and email it to momoko@dac.tw
The selected recording will be carefully mixed with others' stories so you could share your own great stories with others, anonymously.
You could say it in Chinese, English, Taiwanese, Arabian, Greek, or any language you like. Submission deadline 02/13/2015.