生之曼陀羅(Kaleidoscope of the Universes)

生之曼陀羅  Kaleidoscope of the Universes
創作年份:2015 - 2016




此計畫由國立美術館、台北市文化局、西班牙LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial、西班牙Industrias ROKO贊助。

3D印表機軟硬體設計:Luis Diaz、David Pello、Fablab Asturias、LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

3D印表機軟硬體顧問:黃敏書 Xioneer Systems


In Buddhism, mandala is the painting representing the universe/cosmos. The word originates from Sanskrit, which means “cosmogram” or “world in harmony.” For Tibetan tantric Buddhism, the mandala is drawn by monks using colourful sand during a ritual, and immediately destroyed when  the image is finished as the closure of the ritual. The mandala symbolises all the living creatures and the gods, the origin of universe, and its immediate destruction signifies the impermanence of existence. The mandala mirrors how the creators of the mandala understand the world, an image of the universe that was apparent to the people living back in the time.

In ancient times, people believed the there were spirits in the world. Spirits were enormous beings. Back then, people didn’t know there are other ‘worlds’ at the scale our bare eyes cannot see. Even though Blake once wrote “To see the world in a grain of sand” in his poem, it was only the abstract understanding of the unseen world. Only until rather recently did we start to realise there are billions and billions of small microorganisms living in this unseen world.

On the other hand, the deeply western-rooted ‘Science’ makes people believe that technologies allow human beings to control everything. In the 20th century we talked about digital, computers, and industrial manufacturing. In the 21st century, biotechnology and quantum physics have become the new buzzwords. We start to talk about biocomputers, synthetic biology, quantum computers and the quantum phenomenons within the living things. It is the hyper-control of everything, all of which we see as the material of industrial manufacturing.

And I cannot help but wonder what a modern mandala will be like. How can the mandala reflect our relationship and our projection of the universe nowadays?

The project can be divided into three major parts: 1) the tool for drawing, 2) the ritual, and 3) the performance of meditation. The tool for drawing is a microorganism printer controlled by brainwave meditation, along with a ‘canvas’ (growth medium) for the microbes. The ritual is to redesign a process for using this ‘drawing machine’ for meditation. The spiritual purification of incense becomes the actual sterilisation of a microbiological protocol. The third part - Meditation - is the performative part. Each mandala that is drawn is one reflective experience, and each time the result is different. This part will be filmed, and the mandalas will be kept and grown. This performance will be continuously performed throughout a few weeks. In the end, the growing mandalas will be the record of the meditation.

Sponsor by NTMOFA, Taipei City Government- Department of Cultural Affairs, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Industrias ROKO

3D Printer Software & Hardware Design: Luis Díaz, David Pello, Fablab Asturias, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

3D Printer Software & Hardware Consultant: MinShu Huang, Xioneer Systems

Microbiology Consultants: 慈濟大學陳俊堯老師環境微生物研究室, 交通大學潘承宗