死灰復生II(Living Ashes II)

死灰復生 II   Living Ashes II

〈死灰復生 II 〉探索合成生物學中最新領域的原細胞研究(protocell),從製造原細胞開始質問「生命」的邊界在哪裡。原細胞為研究地球最開始形成原初細胞的可能化學條件,探索在一個混亂的化學物質湯中如何產生具有複雜行為的小油滴狀原細胞。這個過程恰好與製造肥皂的過程相同,而肥皂又是以灰燼所製成的鹼水與生物脂肪所產生。灰燼與脂肪皆來自於曾經活著的生物,而原細胞的產生讓看似無機的元素又重新開始近乎有機的活動,那麼究竟生與死的界線在哪?

本錄像為2016在丹麥 Click Festival 的現場演出實況。

Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa
墨西哥人,現居於英國,研究者與設計師,有建築學位以及Digital Architecture碩士。她相信研究生命系統的過程具有改變當代設計思維的潛力。她的作品同時探索材料並從材料角度結合生命系統與建築。

Luis Hernan
墨西哥人,現居英國。具有創意工作者與研究者的分裂人格。最早是建築師,後來獲得Digital Architecture碩士,現在正在做博士研究。他的研究主要在探索數位、生命、空間、與日常生活的交集,並研究其中的詩意。

Living Ashes II is a presentation-performance that feeds from a previous iteration developed in the context of Making Life and explores concepts of life and animation in the context of Synthetic Biology. The design principles of Synthetic Biology are predicated on engineering principles of modularity and efficiency which allow creating and modifying life forms. In this, concepts of life and animation are aligned to current models of resourcing, production and commercialization. 

Living ashes II aspires to interrogate the benchmark by which things are classified as alive. The performance will explore protocells, synthetic cells which are thought to provide the chemical basis of life and that, for a few seconds, show diverse degrees of animation. 

This is the video recording of the live performance at Click Festival 2016.

Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa
Carolina is a researcher and designer based in the UK. She is convinced that working with living systems amounts to a potential transfiguration of contemporary concepts of design. Her work combines material explorations to interrogate the possibilities at the intersection of living systems and architecture. Carolina holds an MSc in Digital Architecture, and trained originally in Architecture. 

Luis Hernan
Luis’ personality is permanently split between that of a creative practitioner and a researcher. Initially trained as an architect, he pursued a master’s degree in Digital Architecture before embarking in his Doctoral research. His practice explores the intersection between the digital, living, space and the everyday—and continuously wonder how they all sublime to the poetic. Sometimes, he uses the third person when writing of himself.