陰莖口交改造計畫 The Fellatio Modification Project

名稱 │ 陰莖口交改造計畫(The Fellatio Modification Project)

年份 │ 2014-2015

媒材 │ 模型、文件、輸出品

長度 │ 單頻錄像(0分53秒)、動態影像(0分57秒)

藝術家 │ 顧廣毅 Kuang-Yi Ku




Title : The Fellatio Modification Project

Year of Creation : 2014-2015

Media : model, document, image,video,dynamic image

Length : video(0’53”), dynamic image(0’57”)

Artist : Kuang-Yi Ku


In the field of dentistry, there are three main functions of the oral cavity, aesthetics, pronunciation, and mastication. However, for the groups of gay men, there’s the forth function: sex. This project enhances the forth function by dental technology and tissue engineering not only breaks the boundary of body knowledge also makes the ideology of dentistry visible. Besides, the artist cooperate with other gay creators to create some gay science fiction novels and comics. These collaborations are trying to communicate with the public via the pop culture text.