嘴工廠 Mouth Factory

名稱 │ 嘴工廠(Mouth Factory)

年份 │ 2012

媒材 │ 定制裝置,影像

長度 │ 7分46秒 ; 3分18秒

藝術家 │ 郭城 Cheng Guo


人對於普通身體的觀點受到社會文化差異、科技與文化變動合力的影響。當下的身體正處於無限多的情境可能與決定之間,這些不斷生髮的智能性或物質性的可能在持續的被普及化與媒體化。 “嘴工廠”即始於人體增強這個議題,其由一系列以嘴部行為驅動的機械和視頻​​組成。藉由對嘴部已有行為能力的探索和擴展延伸,創造出一種結合生產者與生產工具的賽博格(Cyborg),塑造出存在於虛設情境之下的生產製造行為,進而探索人與機械間的界限與交互關係和新的生產方式,並展現出人體獨特的生產和行為美學。


Title : Mouth Factory

Year of Creation : 2012

Media : Custom Apparatus, video 

Length : 7’46”;  3’18”

Artist : Cheng Guo


Mouth Factory consists of a series of functional machines specifically designed to be operated by the mouth. Through extending the capabilities and versatility of the mouth-a wondrous organ, it creates a cyborg that combines the producer and tool of production and ways of manufacture in fiction scenarios. As a comment on human enhancement, Mouth Factory reveals the aesthetics of manufacturing through a series of performative devices and it is trying to explore a new mode of production. By focusing on mouth, these manufacturing apparatus become an embodiment that renders and amplifies the interrelation between the human body and the tools.