






Performance of Pada

The sounder in this performance uses a combination of a number of electronic components. Each sounder has its own different sound frequencies. That is, through a combination of analog electronic components, the different frequency oscillators are made. A photosensitive resistance is joined in the course of performing. And, that brings instant variables. A show of uncertainty is made while these variables are combined with the physical interpretation of the performer.

Besides, not only the using of the speciality of the media, the random interactions bewteen the performer and others in the course of performing is also an important character. Some properties of human are added into the coldness belonging to the media itself. That is, the interactions between a closed random body, composed by a person and an object, and other random bodies will constitute a whole which is open and reaching outward to the exterior. That brings various discussions about people, materiality, non-materiality, random and chance, and possible compositions.




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