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ΔxΔp≥ħ/2 (測不準定理)


ΔxΔpħ/2 (客製化燈光、聲音與影像裝置)


ΔxΔp≥ħ/2 (Customized Audio-Visual Lighting Installation)
The concept of Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle states that an object has two properties, one being position and the other being momentum. When the uncertainty of the object's placement becomes smaller, the uncertainty of the momentum increases. When the uncertainty of the objects placement increases, the uncertainty of the momentum decreases. The greater the uncertainty, the less accurately the surveyor is able to measure.
This piece is the visualization of the correspondence between “measurement” and “existence”.

英文翻譯:謝昀容 (Kathy Hsieh) 、張伊欣(Eva Chang)

