《隱藏角色》為單一成行的LED顯示裝置, 觀者可透過相機做為接收影像訊息之載具,經由長曝的方式融入當下的手持晃動與呼吸脈動, 將光流下的「隱藏角色」再現為完整畫面。
Secret Character
“You cannot see the scenery of twenty kilometers per hour with that of the speed of sixty ”
Through media, people are forced to see thirty images made of 1920 by 1080 pixels in one second. What would the scenery be like if one was to view thirty images made of a line of 256 pixels in a second?
Secret Character is constructed with a row of LED monitors. The viewer becomes vehicle for receiving images and data through the camera. Through constant exposure, integration of the shaking of the hand,exhalation and pulse of the body, the secrete character is completely revealed.