展出日期 | 2016/11/30-2017/5/31

創作者 | 王新仁 Aluan Wang

作品名稱 | 幻象中的歷史現場 The Mirage of History

「假使我們『看了』(saw)過去的藝術,我們就將置身於歷史當中。」 《觀看的藝術》──約翰‧伯格。 



自己雖然參與其中,但理解到的事實,卻無法跟社會產生交集,到底當初所理解到的是真的嗎?這一切含糊令我困惑不安。 在事件發生一年後,仍然耿耿於懷無法放下,也因此試圖透過作品,來還原當初所感受到的一切。

“If we 'saw' the art of the past, we would situate ourselves in history.” Way of Seeing──John Berg

We solidify history in a specific space-time by recording images. Recordings are realities, which is why the emotional involvement of recorders may influence the viewers' cognition of history.

During the Sunflower Student Movement, a huge amount of information was circulated among the protestants. However, the facts I learned and those I read from media coverage often diverged. In the interaction among groups with different positions, our emotions may be disturbed and the truth may be twisted as a result.

I was a part of the movement. However, discrepancies existed between the facts I knew and the society's common understanding. Were the facts I learned during that period incontrovertible? I found such ambiguity completely bewildering and disturbing.

It has been a year since the event occurred, but I still take it to heart and cannot let it go. Therefore, I try to restore everything I felt at that time through my artworks.


畢業於台北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系碩士班,主要專長為多媒體影像設計、互動程式撰寫。2010年後積極投入OpenLab Taipei(口丁)的自由軟體推廣活動,並在各大美術館授課擔任講師。除了推廣自由軟體外,也幫劇團、舞團設計互動影像,目前則專注在Audio Visual的創作上。

Aluan Wang earned his master's degree from the Graduate School of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. He specializes in multimedia image design and interactive programming. He has devoted himself to the free software promotion event organized by OpenLab Taipei (coding) and served as a lecturer at major art museums. He also designs interactive images for theaters and dance troupes. Recently, he has been focusing on the creation of Audio Visual performances.