HA‧舒特 HA Schult 1978, 09:48mins
舒特當時評論道:「這是一座把內部往外翻的房子」。但他肯定沒有預料到,他的想法在20年之後會衍生出「Big Brother」這類電視真人秀節目。
Almost every day for a fortnight in 1978, HA Schult drove his audience in a bus round his “Ruhrtour” to various destinations. One of them was the “Medienhaus” (Media House), a small wired-up workers’ home with a family of five in Duisburg Hamborn. HA Schult placed nine TV sets in the front garden, which were connected to cameras inside the house. They were installed in each room and transmitted the family’s everyday life simultaneously into the garden outside so that everyone could see it.
“A house turns itself inside-out” (own translation), as Schult commented at the time, without suspecting that 20 years later this concept would lead to the TV programme, “Big Brother”.