笛妮‧梅樂‧馬克薇茲 Digne Meller Marcovicz 1987, 90:00mins
在這部1985年的「關於威廉‧萊西 ─ 小人物萬歲」的影片中,笛妮‧梅樂‧馬克薇茲將關於萊西的總總參考資料編成環環相扣的網絡,而使他的一生能夠重建起來,而讓一部獨一無二的傳記成為可能 —— 同時演繹出他多舛的命運與傑出的學術成就。藝術家在片中沿著這名在他的時代很重要的心理學家之足跡探尋,並向許多跟他同甘共苦的同儕人物詢問,其中包括他的事業夥伴和對手、親戚、朋友以及與他多年合作的律師。所有這一切都發生於威廉‧萊西去世將近30年之後,在探索他的可能消失之前,這部片子拍得正是時候。
In her “Über Wilhelm Reich – Viva Kleiner Mann”(On Wilhelm Reich – Viva, little Man) from 1985, Digne Meller Marcovicz weaves a web of references and in that way makes reconstructing of a unique biography possible – an eventful personal destiny and a distinguished scholarly career. In the process, the artist follows in the footsteps of one of the most significant psychologists of his times and asks numerous protagonists involved in his life and his failure: collaborators and opponents, relations, friends or also his long-time lawyer. This all happens almost 30 years after Wilhelm Reich’s death and in that comes in the nick of time just before the natural time-window making this possible might have closed for ever.