萊納‧盧騰貝克 Reiner Ruthenbeck 1974, 31:45mins
Despite the clamorous bustle on Cologne’s Neumarkt, as it is captured by Reiner Ruthenbeck’s “Objekt zur teilweisen Verdeckung einer Videoszene”(Object for partially concealing a Video Scene) this 1972/1974 video does have meditative undertones. The viewer observes people rushing by or hears the city traffic. In the middle of this noisy activity suddenly a small, but perfectly formed “oasis of calm”: a black panel, positioned on top of an exhibition plinth and placed into the centre of the hurly-burly, or, in other words: “outside the hectic activity and inside the absolute, the unmoving, the calm.”
Will the black, as the concealment of a pictorial scene, prove to be an experience with the potential to have a positive effect on future viewing experiences?