C.O.‧沛弗根 C.O. Paeffgen 1975, 10:16mins
「先是一件襯衫,然後是一件藝術品」,這是屬於C.O.沛弗根1975年的一組名為「包裝」創作集裏的作品,藝術家因這些作品而出了名。在這部錄影片之中,一件之前脫下來的運動衫被當作素材,然後用金屬線纏繞起來,一件雕塑作品於是形成。隨後被安裝在一面牆上。這個變形的過程,觀者可以從頭到尾一起經歷 —— 把一件這麼普通的東西升等變成藝術作品。不過最後這個生產的過程又被撤銷了:這件運動衫雕塑被從牆上取下來,除去纏繞物,然後被重新穿在了身上。
“The Shirt first, Art second”from 1975 is part of C.O. Paeffgen’s “Umwicklungen” (wrappings) – a group of works which first brought the artist to the attention of the public. A t-shirt, which the artist himself had previously taken off, makes the raw material for this video. With wire wrapped all around it, it becomes a sculpture which is then mounted on a wall. The viewer can witness this metamorphosis – the upgrading of a mundane object to a work of art – in real time. In the end, however, the production process is reversed: The t-shirt sculpture is taken down from the wall, the object unwrapped and put on again.
Duchamp’s concept of the readymade is congenially extended in Paeffgen’s work.